The End of the Fucking Odds

204 42 44

Previously on Wings of Light:

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"Cut the crap, sweetheart! The witches are in New Orleans, not in Monroe! Jesus Timothy! But anyway I can see that he's two children from the same ex-wife who was murdered by him and her skeleton was used for Halloween decoration. Andy is sent in an orphanage during his father's stay in Highway Vermont mental hospital for criminally insane."

"He's Capricorn, who likes smoking and drinking whiskey even wearing dark clothes, indicating his dangerousness and rogue character. And there isn't any information about his son Andy except he's sent in an orphanage just when his father was being institutionalized and Martha, Andy's twin was given to Sebastian, Cayden's older brother."

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"I think it's good time to mess with that little brat with a bastard son who's now in an orphanage. What a stupid son of the bitch, Ross!" 

"I think it's high time to get back to our business."

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"And we saw a patient file of a former patient who used to be jailed in this former mental institution who's also involved in a vicious massacre of young ladies thirteen years ago!"

"Yes, ma'am! We're pretty aware of Mr. Gray murdering those young women a long time ago and his criminal history!"

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"Yeah! You know Cassandra mother's acquaintance who didn't take control over rescuing herself and her granddaughter? Because she was so torn up?"

"Okay! Look, let me stop ya right there, all right? You are not responsible for this. Not in any way, shape or any form, all right? I'm very up-to-date on this thing, probably far more than yar, and there are...there are many factors to play there. Yeah? For instance, whether the battery has exploded, causing the disastrous fire or somebody else is responsible for this. But who has the efforts to put the bomb in the car's luggage carrier? Now that's a public record! You can look that up. And the whole system is run on 1950s techonologies in Mrs. Roberts' case by judging her vehicle how outdated is compared to the recent sixties vehicles. No! No, I really blame for some reason the government." 

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"Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy, whose trust, ever child-like, no cares could destroy, Be there at our waking, and give us, we pray, Your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day." 

"I know how genuinely he meant to you, mom. I'm dearly sorry for your loss and everything. I've to admit my neglection towards you was sort of revenge which is a sequence of already deceased people and I'll never forgive myself for that. Thanks to being without me, you're breaking bad! I'm such an idiot."

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"And Ms. Collins, if you want to avoid any fleas, encumbering your German Pinscher's fur, you've to keep combing your dog's fur with flea comb by dipping it in a mixture of dish soap and water to kill the remaining fleas on the comb! Bathe him with a specially-formulated flea shampoo and therefore use flea spray to treat your pet anyway."

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