A Lesson in Subtlety

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Previously on Wings of Light: 

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"I was thinking it's better to listen to your version instead of keep ignoring me and soiling yourself by switching abruptly your partners like in a New York minute."

"First and foremost, you're incredibly overreacting which aided me to see through your showed true colors, Maddie! I knew so far that... that you wouldn't be capable of breaking my heart with your Drama Queen persona that I have perpetually studied during this time we've been together. Anyway the damage has already being done to me."

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"I didn't mean to bring it up, howsoever, are ya actually Andrea's friend?" 

"How do you know that I am a friend of Andrea?"

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"We're doing good. We can't even complain about our lives. We have had our fights and ordeals in our best and our worst as well."

"That's pretty interesting! I bet you have had your worst times when you couldn't even look at each other."

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"It's just great to be at home again!" A low honey-mouthed hum in approval sloppily clumsy expelled from the young woman's nude pink, plump mouth on her extraordinarily gracious mission to aid her mother figure to peel off her casual cashmere peacock blue hugging her torso as its perky hem flares against her pelvis, whereas the former nun felt pristinely smooth, dexterous fingers toying gently the fabric and working on discarding the garment until channelizing to hang it on the coat hanger at last. A vibrantly sunny smile elaborated to buff the former pious nun's naturally roseate, lusciously plump lips, pearly hedonistic appreciating her daughter figure's celestially gilt aid. "I truly appreciate yar help, Maddie!"

"You don't need to thank me whenever I'm just saving your time and woes as well!" Darting a cheerful wink at her mentor, Madeleine's efficiently infectious, lethally venomous smirk broadened abruptly past her pink mouth. The genuine sentiment of discarding even the most light-heavy garment guarding her eminent outfit, nevertheless, it conveyed to Jude its friendly reminder to be enveloped in the convenient ambience's kindheartedly tight, doting hug snaking its invisibly velvet arms cocooning promisingly her petite-frame. The medley of the delightful fragrances of freshly brewed tea and enigmatically breathtaking jasmine wafted into the noses of the female duo lingering their very presences in the corridor and trading with one another gutturally healthy, jovial giggles clicking the roof of their mouths to perform their sardonic cheerfulness at Madeleine's utterance. "I'm not some kind of a cloth hanger, however, I just enjoy helping the loved ones that don't deserve even to waste modicum of their energy and time for something even if they are in no hurry." At the moment, the middle-aged woman managed to kick off her jet-black flats and hopping up in a pair of comfy slippers shoeing her petite, flimsy feet on her mission to march towards the kitchen in the company of her protégé until the prospect of the four-month-old kitten, the six-month-old youngster and the adult platonic duo glimmered vividly past their eyesight, illustrated in its most brightly realistic brushes etching every discrete detail.

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