Blood-Curdling Adventures

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Previously on Wings of Light:

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"Dad, she doesn't want to give me my Thomas! I want my Thomas and her death."

Who tossed that stuffed animal and almost didn't kick the bucket of the Christmas tree, ladies?"

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"I was wondering how many glasses of champagne would be worth for a good dance."

"Frank, don't you ever dare thinking of dancing your tipsy ass in front of the kids! Jude and Tim won't be fine with seeing their old friend being such a turdsandwich. Even their little cherub angelic prince is disagreeing with seeing you tipsy."

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"In spite of we haven't kept in touch with the infamous Vermont's serial killer that appears to be my father and her uncle, I perfectly recall something I've seen with my own eyes when I was a still baby."

"Have you ever witnessed or seen that devilish silhouette of your uncle, my child?"

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Despite the resiliently suffocating doldrum, awkwardly kipping in the conveniently warm swaddled bedroom where the only very presence was occupied by the British compatriot as its conveniently gracious duvet blanketed partly his figure, he was profoundly worried over the former pious woman of the cloth's absence that endured for slightly longer than the common. An uncommon delay in the bathroom which could be interpreted in diversity of versions and exemplars for every one, reckoning Timothy, himself. It could be a genuine sign of anything mystically surprising. Or at least wee hints of anything.

Even though nothing wrong could happen in the bathroom, due to the fact, the en-suite bathroom didn't have its own window and leading to the dynamically horrifying sequence of a daredevil offender break into the two-story property of the former members of the church and Timothy was fortunately in the bedroom, everything is possible. Despite the former pious clergyman's major knowledge in the female anatomy and its processes' bonus information, he could interpret Jude's postpone in a few variants from his individual logic. First and foremost, it could be a forthcoming menopause transition or rather perimenopause, due to her relentless age. As common, the ladies circa his wife's age were unavoidably going through the menopause transition's process that was inevitable and its dynamic roller coaster of symptoms that wickedly occurred. The second thought that crossed deftly the British aristocrat was the possible chances of a second pregnancy, phenomenally predominating into his wife by judging its symptoms that are unspeakably commonly encountered into her such as mood swings, food craves which were inevitably eye-catching for him during their wedding ceremony illustrated the genuine notion of her excessive covet to savor anything associated with food and the indisputably hopeless morning sickenesses, clashing with them every early morning before getting ready for work.

Another pregnancy's delightfully sweet, inebriating savor laced straightforwardly the British aristocrat's tongue after mindly, consciously picturing the possible scenarios of the blonde occupying with her very presence the en-suite bathroom for more than a handful of minutes.

Despite the filthily tremendous fortune the small family possessed actually, no matter if one or three more new additions to the family are acquired emphatically, it would be a worth challenge for Timothy and Jude to take care of one more soul, invitingly, kindheartedly welcomed in the nuke family as well. Time, attention and affection would be the very top in their altruistic sacrifice to rear their new additions. The money wouldn't compensate how challengingly difficult it could be for the former devotional members of the clergy to take care of more than one child. It wasn't even a child's play for them to rear Edward Ralph up to the sixth month of his life at all.

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