One Bite At A Time

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Previously on Wings of Light:

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"Of course, you are not weak, Martha! You aren't all alone dealing with the person who is not only your father, but also the actual murderer of your mother Clementine. Don't ever forget who's trying to eliminate the family he thinks he wants to protect from his foes as he brought himself each trouble!"

"S-Satan! I'm surprised what I'm even doing with loving a parent who murdered brutally my own mom. Why I'm loving him when I'm presumed to despise him to the depths of my bones for...for punishing me to have only father instead like the other kids, you know, a loving mother and father next to them? Why my father punished my mother with the death, itself?"

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"Sebastian Gray's younger brother!"

"Mister Cayden Gray, right?"

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"It's not called shit. My sister Anna is seriously on fire about the Beatles."

"I was just kidding it's shit! Good for Anna! She's pretty awesome person when I met her personally."

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"Due to the fact, there are boiling feelings inside me, that doesn't cease what ya said as last words! There are always opportunities to work on everything and to harmonize everything if only we want it. For example, there were patients that bugged me off to bones, but that doesn't change what the devil would want if it was living inside me. The evil would want me to be a shameless murderer, despite his strength to keep me against my will of innocence."

"Just enjoy your breakfast and I don't want any bad vibes slipping from your tongue on Christmas! It's Christmas time rather than have a cow day. Shh, shh, shh! It's high time for positive vibes. Look at you, sweet ray of sunshine!"

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"Good evening, miss! It's already midnight and the patients are asleep. What are you actually looking for?"

"I would like to see my uncle. His name is Sebastian Gray."

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--- 5th of April, 1966 ---

--- A Few Hours Later or So ---

When the wee hours of the morning blended the great deal of pitch-black darkness consuming the thick, tubby cloak obscured the starless sky from any wee inkling of light to loom either horizontally or vertically, the Michiganian struggled to drift off asleep peacefully, thoughtlessly.

Spending a few hours in her bed and flipping on the other sides to readjust her own position and finding utter comfort for her muscles and bones, it was a fair attempt to creamily, leisurely attain the undeserved insomnia annihilating her very being. It was a challenging night for the young woman to protect on her own the flat she hospitably, altruistically shared with her older brother that was recently, fleetly occupying the Howards' privately owned property nonetheless.

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