Chapter 5: Stop Playing with My Feelings, Freddie Green

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The red dress clung the my torso tightly, exaggerating my curves as it wrapped around me. It flared out at the bottom, where the dress hung slightly above my knees, and a white trim roped around the hem and around the end of my sleeves matching nicely with the red. The magnificent dress complimented my fair complexion perfectly, and would look perfect next to my shimmering gold and white decorations.

My usually brown messy waves had been straightened and recurled into a more put together matter. The waves fell down to my shoulder creating a natural look. I could almost say I looked flawless.

Faith had done my makeup this afternoon. She applied a glittery gold eyeshadow fading into a soft brown. The real focus, however, went to the classic red lip and standing out from the rest of my look. My lips looked as if they became cherries. Beautiful, bold, and as Faith quotes, "irresistible." I wouldn't go that far, but they pulled the entire outfit together.

I examined the pretty numbers counting down on my screen once again. Under an hour left. The seconds counting down minutes until they would finally reach zero.

I sighed.

Why did I look like this? This wasn't me.

I looked like I walked out of a magazine, but I don't look like I should be walking out of that magazine. What if my soulmate didn't like how I regularly looked?

I quickly pushed the thought away. We were soulmates. Of course he will love me. My doubt was closed behind a locked door, but it was begging to be released.

If anything, you still have Freddie.

I quickly shook my head. What was I thinking. If I was to meet my soulmate tonight, I had to stop thinking about other guys.

A knock came at my bedroom door, and I jumped off of my chair.

"Come in," I called while brushing my dress down.

Faith walked in with a huge smile. I seriously don't know how her face contorts to such lengths while smiling. Her smile suits her, however. It adds to her bubbly outlook on life.

Faith wore an almost strapless sparkly  deep blue dress. The dress was almost strapless, because it would be strapless if not for the matching blue sash attached to her dress and reaching up to one shoulder. Her dress fell beyond her knees and hung in layers.

Her hair was strung into a bun with strands hanging creating a waterfall effect. She carried a clipboard in with her as she wrote down notes I couldn't read.

"Oh my gosh! Allie, you look beautiful! I knew the dress would be perfect for you!" Faith clapped her hands excitedly. "Your mother will certainly want to see."

Faith dragged me down our carpeted stairs into the kitchen where my mother was baking golden dusted brownies. The sweet chocolate smell enveloped us in paradise.

My mom turned to see us. She looked at my and clamped her hands over her mouth.

"Oh, Honey, you look beautiful." Mom gasped. A small tear leaked from her eye and she wiped it away quickly. "My little girl is growing up."

I went over and hugged her. "It's not a bug deal. I'm just meeting my soulmate.  I just hope I'll be as happy as you and Dad are."

"I know you will, Sweetheart."

Faith clapped her hands. "Okay, we need to go, so we can set up refreshments." Mom handed me the container of brownies, and Faith grabbed my hand and lead me out the door.


I draped gold streamers along Faith's wooden fence. I paid careful attention not to rip the streamers. Faith laid out the makeshift dance floor, and set up the speakers and playlist for tonight.

We both laid out refreshments. We had a huge punch bowl full of a fizzy, white soda with edible gold sparkles mixed in. I placed the clear, glass cups out beside the bowl. Faith laid the gold dusted brownies on the table along with a bowl of M and Ms and a bowl of Skittles.

The last item to be placed on the table was the angel food cake. The cake was bare with the exception of a thin, gold icing laced on top in spirals. As I gazed in awe at my cake, Faith stumbled out of the house with a small box clasped in her hands.

"What is that for?" I asked as Faith rushed back over to the refreshment table.

Faith didn't respond, but shoved the small box into my hands. I examined the box and found a small label on the bottom.

Gold and White Fairy Lights

I reread the five words with a smile growing on my face.

"You're the best!" I yelled throwing my arms around Faith into a hug.

"It thought you already knew I was amazing," she laughed hugging me back. "Now the party will be perfect."

I nodded my head enthusiastically and for the first time had high hopes about this party.

I quickly strung the fairy lights around the backyard, and ran to open the fences gate. There was twenty minutes until I met my soulmate.

Faith turned on the beginning playlist. People started to arrive, usually in pairs or groups. Faith started to bounce, and I knew Brad had arrived.

Faith rushed out the door and leaped into his arms. Brad held her up and spun her around. As he put placed her back down, I wondered how it felt. To have someone look at you like Brad looked at Faith seemed impossible. For Faith to feel like her whole world was held in her eyes as she looked at Brad. It was so unreal, unattainable, and perfect. I can't even grasp the concept of it.

As Faith and Brad went to dance, another figure started towards the gate. I grinned as Freddie came into view.

"I brought ice cream!" He held up a tub of strawberry and vanilla.

"Aww! That's so sweet! You can put it on the table over there." I pointed towards the refreshment table.

"Anything for you, Darling," he responded.

I felt my eyes go wide as Freddie walked on over to the refreshments table.

Darling! Did he say Darling?

I knew I was blushing heavily as my mind freaked out. Freddie Green called me Darling, on my Soulmate Day, too!

My mind couldn't function right. How could I like Freddie when I was meeting my soulmate tonight? I couldn't. I had to push these feelings away. It wasn't fair to Freddie or to me.

I glanced back down at my watch. Five minutes. I smiled, and headed into my party to enjoy myself a little before my time was done.

AN: Okay wow! I feel this story is finally getting pretty exciting. Sorry for making y'all wait till Chapter Five for the more interesting stuff to happen, but I really felt the other four chapters were needed. I really like where this story is going, and I hope y'all will too. Anyway, tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments. (Especially on what you think of Freddie.) And don't forget to vote for this chapter please! Thank you so much!

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