Chapter 9: Is That What We Are?

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No events took place this weekend. Me, being my antisocial self, skipped the parties, as usual, and didn't see a reason to leave the house. Who needs to socialize anyway?

Well, one person I wouldn't mind socializing with would be Brooks Easton, my, what seems to be, perfect soulmate. Brooks didn't make an appearance since the night he magically showed up at my window. Yes, my window, because I am in some cliche romance novel. I mean, how does this guy pull off stunts like this?

I didn't expect Brooks to show up, but I hoped. Hope, however, didn't get very far. Now, the real challenge is to get Faith off my back about the whole "I don't have a soulmate" thing.

I know, I know. It is technically my fault because I lied. I wish I could just tell Faith the truth, but that would be breaking my promise to Brooks. Promises, unlike rules, weren't meant to be broken. And I broke many friendship rules with this lie.

I walked down the hallway to my fourth-period class, math. I didn't have much against math, unlike most of my peers. The problems weren't too hard to solve, and I picked up formulas easily.

Faith walked beside me ranting about the unfairness of the world.

"I mean, how in the world do you not have a soulmate? Is that even possible!? Like, should we contact someone saying they made a mistake?" Faith types furiously on her phone. I think she was texting, but I couldn't be sure.

"It's not a big deal," I sigh.

"Allie, you're not listening! This is a HUGE deal! I can't even imagine my life if I didn't have Brad." She made a dramatic gasp and stopped to turn towards me.

I roll my eyes. "Your life would be fine because you would never know him. You would go on through life hanging out with me and eating ice cream." I shrugged my shoulders for emphasis.

Faith stayed silent not arguing. She let out a huff and left to go to her Spanish class. I shook my head. Faith is unreasonable. Why couldn't she leave this alone?

"Hey, Allie!" A cheery voice sang. The usually nice greeting sounded forced and annoyed.

I looked up to see who spoke to me. The girl towered over me, but only because of the exceptionally tall heels she wore. Her brunette hair shined under the lights in the hallway, and her dark eyes glared at me.

It was the one and only Ashley Bruen.

I absolutely hated this girl. The feeling is mutual. If you're smart, you can see her evil intentions under her pretty exterior. Ashley will always come up to you with a sweet smile, but she wants anything but to be nice.

"So," Ashley drawled," I heard you have no soulmate Als."

I felt my fists clench at the nickname. Nicknames are for friends, not victims. "What does it matter?" I tried to force a smile, but I'm sure it came off more like a grimace.

Ashley drew back as her eyes widened. " I'm just asking a question." She paused for a second. "You know, come to think of it, it's not that surprising." She stuck out her bottom lip slightly with a small grin showing through.

I faked a frown. "Yeah," I sigh," thankfully no one has to deal with me. I just feel bad for your soulmate, Ashley. They are going to end up with a witch for a soulmate."

Her glare became more prominent as she stomped off. Her dark hair swung behind her gracefully, and her heels clicked loudly on the tile floor.

When she went around the corner, I let out a breath of relief. Ashley is a pain. A needle in a haystack, you could say. The haystack looks fairly nice and put together. Inside lurks a needle. Soon, out of nowhere, the needle will strike when least expected.

That's Ashley Bruen for you.

My math class would start any second. If only Ashley could keep her mouth shut, maybe I could keep up with my classes. I rushed down the hallway. Not running, because that is against a school rule. Just walking, very, very fast. Lockers rushed behind me, and my pencil threatened to slip from behind my ear.

I passed the water fountains when a strong hand pulled me out of the hallway.

I couldn't see much, but there seemed to be a distinction of a tall guy with me standing in the janitor's closet.

That is when his deep voice greeted me. "Hello, beautiful."

"What are you doing?!" I spat.

He loosened his grasp on my arm and took a step back. "Are you not happy to see me?"

I curtseyed mockingly. "Yes, oh humble one, I am so graced with your presence."


"I'm not the one who randomly shows up at people's windows and schools. Who does that anyway?"

Brooks scratched the back of his head. "I didn't randomly come here. I have a reason." I think a caught a glimpse of red showing on his cheeks. Had I caught him off guard?

I tried to soften my voice. "I'm going to be late for my class because of you."

I can't say I wasn't a little bit happy he came. Brooks just caught me at a bad time.

Brooks smiled. "You know, you're cute when you're angry. It's like a little puffball trying to yell 'bubbles' angrily."

I scowled and crossed my arms. "I am not a puffball. I am a mighty dragon. Do not underestimate me." I stood on my tippy toes as I glared.

Brooks raised an eyebrow. "No one could ever underestimate you, puffball." I glared, but Brooks only laughed. "See? You're adorable," he chuckled.

I felt heat rush to my cheeks. I tried to suppress the feeling by biting the inside of my cheeks, but that did no help.

"Why are you here? You said you had a reason." I tilted my head.

"Well first of all-"

Brooks lifted my chin to his and gave me a soft peck.

So much for trying to suppress my blushing, because, now, it is on full power.

"Can a boyfriend not miss his girlfriend?"

Boyfriend? Girlfriend?

"Is that what we are?" I teased not knowing what answer I wanted.

Brooks stared into space for a moment. "Is that what you want to be?"

I bit my lip and looked away. "I- I don't know..." I muttered. "We'll discuss it later."

"I'll try to work it into my agenda."

I shook my head at his stupid joke.

"What is the other reason you are here?" I wanted to keep on topic, or I would be very late for math.

Brooks looked both ways to make sure no one could hear or see us. Kind of ridiculous since we are in a closet, very dramatic too.

"I have someone who wants to meet you."

AN: Ending it on a cliffhanger. I'm sorry I know that will probably drive you insane until the next chapter is here.

I feel this chapter was a little more humorous and flirty for Brooks and Allie. The sappy romance stuff needed a break, so I hope you all liked it.

Sorry, it took so long to get this chapter up. I will try to be quick next time. I just have a lot of sports right now, but will try to be more consistent.

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