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"We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken."

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Hello, and welcome.

You are about to embark on a murder mystery that has haunted millions for over a century. You will be faced with rumours, scientific studies, obvious lies, and strange truths. You will see photos of the victims, their homes, their letters. You will hear about their memories, see the problems that afflicted them right to the very end, and you will grow to understand their motivations and fears. You will meet these people, and get to know them on a deeper, more intimate level than you could hope to know your colleagues, your friends, and maybe even some of your family members. You will know these people as though they were inside your head, speaking to you, showing you the way.

This is because you need to see through their eyes, to see how they died. If they died.

Because the world claims to know what happened to the Romanov family in 1918, and yet no one can believe it. The Church is adamant in its distrust of the remains. The Russian government tries, as it does with many things, to sweep it away as done and dusted. Foreign governments forget about it, ignore it. And scientists across the world focus on developing DNA testing with the hopes that someone can break through with clear cut proof that the bodies found belong to the Royal family. The issue is, different scientists have had different results. And then we have the people who have popped up across the world claiming to be the daughters: Anastasia, Olga, Maria...

And people still have many questions. Why was Nicholas' mother so happy, so chipper, the day she left Russia? She showed no signs of mourning for her child, or her grandchildren. She denied their deaths with such a clear certainty, one cannot help but question it. Was it sheer denial, or something else?

Meanwhile, Kaiser Wilhelm, the British royals, and the Spanish royals were all in agreement, all working towards the same goal despite being ravaged by war: protect the Romanovs. These families worked hard, forming escape attempt after escape attempt, to rescue the Russian royal family. Is it truly impossible to believe that they could have succeeded? That someone could have escaped?

I will show you all the evidence I have collected. I will provide every source, every criticism and strength I can find for each one, so that you, the reader, can decide, once and for all:

Did the Romanovs survive?

The Suspicious Deaths of the RomanovsWhere stories live. Discover now