The Bet

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Izumi was given a painful reminder to her days back when All Might was training her for the UA entrance exams. Those first ten months had been grueling, but All Might's happy disposition made it bearable. Endeavor on the other hand...

"GET UP!" He shouted as she collapsed on the ground, "You still have a mile to go! Are you gonna sit there and cry or are you gonna be a hero?"

Sweat trickled down her skin soaking her training clothes, her wrists and legs weighted down. They'd been running for four miles straight, up and down the hill to his house. She wanted to whimper but instead clenched her teeth and fought to get up and push forward. Her sides ached and she wheezed out breaths, huffing and puffing through her nose.

5 miles a day, bench pressing weights and cardio for two hours, and if she could still stand after that another hour of combat and martial arts. She'd been up since 3am and the sun had just barely risen when they finally made it to the top of the hill and she collapsed again in front of his front door.

"Pathetic, do better tomorrow." He tossed a towel over her head making her grumble. "Fuyumi!" He shouted inside. "Get this mess of a girl some food. Lots of protein!"

Izumi fisted her hand in the towel on her head and she shakily got to her feet. She stepped inside after taking off her shoes and braced herself on the wall as Fuyumi rushed up with water.

"Thanks..." she smiled and panted downing the water in quick large gulps. "Man... and I thought All Might was a strict teacher."

"You look so tired..." Fuyumi fussed and took the towel to dab away the sweat pooling on Izumi's face. "Go take a hot bath, Breakfast will be ready when you get done."

"Thanks Fuyu-chan... is Shoto up?" She dabbed the sweat herself now.

"Yes, he's doing meditation right now out back. Let him know breakfast will be ready soon, okay?" She walked off to the kitchen. Izumi smiled after her then headed back to her room to grab a robe. She desperately needed a soak. She saw Shoto, standing on the rise of the hill looking out at nature.

He wore a white tank and sweats, his well toned arms stretching up and circling out as he took long deep breaths. Her eyes softened with emotion, her hearts turning in her chest at the attractive picture he made.

If it's what you want... I'll be your girlfriend.

Girlfriend, she was Shoto Todoroki's official girlfriend. She wasn't entirely sure what had made her tell him that, but... it just felt right. Knowing she was distracted she quickly shook her head free of the flustering thoughts and quickly went off to wash up and change.

The large breakfast Fuyumi had prepared for her was good, but after the long work out this morning, and knowing the kind of day she had ahead of her, Izumi wanted to throw it all back up on the way to school.

"Ugh... I feel sick." She said green faced holding her mouth.

"You get used to it," Shoto told her walking side by side as they approached the school. "At least, I did."

"Your dad is a monster..." she said with a twitching brow. "Up and down, up and down, my legs are so freaking sore." She actually looked forward to sitting down for the first hour of school.

Shoto glanced down, Izumi's face focused ahead of her. He then looked at their hands, close but not intwined. His fingers extended out and gently touched hers, and he smiled when she just let them lace together. "Just think of the end results, focus on something other than the pain."

"Mmmm" Izumi's face went red now, the feel of his hand washing away the pain already.

"Midori-chan!" She heard Uraraka call from behind just as they reached the gates. Izumi pulled her hand away to wave at her smiling.

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