Aftermath and Internship

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Shoto bowed his head as he and Izumi walked to school together. She hadn't spoken a word to him since they'd sparred during early morning combat training and even then it was to curse at him. 

"Baka..." she muttered at him for the hundredth time since they'd left the estate. He held his bandaged cheek where she'd punched him good and hard, guilt flooding back.

"I said I was sorry."

"You can keep on saying it but you still did it... or should I say didn't." She emphasized and his head sunk lower.

"I forgot... you could have reminded me to put one on."

"I was too busy being..." she flushed and looked away from him. "You know... a girl." 

She was being stubborn, she knew. The truth was she had half forgiven him when they woke up for training, but then he decided to be stupid.


Endeavor narrowed his eyes on his two interns with a two of them stood an arm's length apart refusing to look at each other. Izumi had put on a t shirt shirt instead of a tank still feeling self conscious and irritated. Shoto was shirtless, and his sweats hung low on his hips, a thin sheet of sweat already on his skin from cardio.

"I don't know what it is you two are disagreeing on but this is good timing. Today you'll be doing hand to hand combat against each other without the use of your quirks. Shoto don't hold back. She'll have the advantage as that's her primary weapon. I suggest you use whatever openings she gives you.'

"I believe I've done that already," Shoto grumbled and had Endeavor raising a curious brow and Izumi flustering. She quickly raised her hand.

"Sensei! I can't use my quirk but other than that I don't have to hold back, right?"

"You don't, you can have at it all you like. I'll stop the fight when I feel a winner is declared."

Izumis eyes when uncharacteristically sinister and her smile wicked.

"Alright then..." She didn't wait for a signal she just launched. Her fist connected straight into Todoroki's face. "Jerk!"

~End of Flashback~

She sighed heavily. She didn't lose her temper often, but when she did she noticed she lacked control. She'd hit him way harder than she meant to... or at least had planned to.

"You're lucky your dad remained oblivious. I'm already regretting the lecture from All Might if he ever finds out."

"Unless you plan on telling him yourself, I don't think he'll know." Shoto grimaced. He could feel the snags in the relationship already starting to tangle and it was making him uncomfortable and nervous. "Not like he has a sensor about such things."

"You've a point... so let's just forget it happened."

Shoto made a sound of distress and grabbed her hand. "No.... I mean." He trailed off his face contorting with guilt and sadness. " Do you... really just want to forget what happened last night. Was it that bad?"

Izumi stared at him her lips pursed in an irritated frown. She raised a hand and flicked her fingers on his forehead. 

"Baka, I don't mean that. I mean let's forget the part where you forgot to use the protection. I mean we should have just stayed in the hot spring."

"Oh...that." Embarrassment flushed his face.

"Yeah that... let's just move past it. Not like we can do anything about it now." She sighed heavily and adjusted the strap on her backpack. "I'll take partial responsibility since you had a point in I could have reminded you, and we'll both just have to face the consequences of it."

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