Preparing for Final

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"Thanks for Saving Me! Congratulations, little Midori!" He put the ribbon over her head. "Your hard work and training has paid off. It got a little close there in the end but you managed to stay focus on your objective."

"Nice job, Midoriya!" Sero put a hand on her shoulder. "You took me completely by surprise."

"Well you certainly set the bar high Sero, literally." She grinned. "You gave me a run for my money. I almost slipped there at the end too because I knew you were gaining fast behind e." She rubbed the back of her head laughing. "I gotta remember to watch my footing in a place like this."

She lifted up the sash and admired it with a big smile. Her first day back and already she accomplished a first place win. All she had to do was keep her focus and she could accomplish even more. Gran Torino's advice that she clear the air, and avoid the romantic entanglements had been the best route after all.

"Come see me after class," All Might spoke to her suddenly bringing her attention to him. "There are things we must discuss in great detail."

His tone had her nerves on edge. As she watched her classmates go through the rescue race exercise she wondered just what it was he wanted to talk about. There apparently was more than one thing on his mind, and it had set his face into harsh lines.

After class she sat across from him in their usual meet up. He poured her a cup of tea, and had a stack of folders set off to the side. She wondered if she was gonna get a lecture, or if those were just papers he was grading.

"I've seen Endeavor's interview." He started and immediately had her back going rigid. "He spoke very highly of you, which pleases me, but this fiancee business has left me a bit flustered."

"I can explain..." She began but he held up a hand to stop her.

"No, it's okay. Young Todoroki told me of his feelings that day at the Sports Festival. I should have seen this coming."

"All Might, I'm-"

"Let me get this out. While you may not be my biological daughter, we do share a kinship. I've given you my gift, and it's up to you who you share that secret with. Just know that this is an important decision and I will support you no matter what."

Izumi couldn't help but smile at that.

"Thank you, but-"

"That being said," he interrupted again and reached for the folders. "There's more decisions to be made."

"Hmmm?" Izumi blinked and then blushed as he opened multiple folders, all with wedding plans inside. "GEH!"

"What colors were you thinking of? If you go with a spring wedding I'm thinking this lovely mint green would be perfect... ah I'll need to speak with your mother about budget, I have quite a bit of savings from hero work and I'd be more than happy to pitch in for-"

"All Might I'm not getting married!" She stood up flustered and dizzy from all the effort and thought he'd put into his presentation.

"Of course not right away, but graduation is in three years and it doesn't hurt to plan these things ahead."

"I mean at all! Good Grief," Izumi covered her red face groaning. "I really am gonna kill him."

~A few minutes later~

All Might listened to her explanation, part of him was relieved and the other a little sad he wouldn't get to use his notes and imput on her wedding affairs. "I see so he broke thing s off with you to give you a chance to think things through."

"That's what he told me, but truthfullly I think there's more to it than that." She sighed and ran fingers through her hair. Why was it whenever she talked about this she felt like crying. Enough was enough, Izumi, suck it up! "I've decided not to worry about it. It was his decision to give me the freedom to make my own choice... and my choice is to work on my goal and succeed you."

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