Gran Torino

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Author's Note: I'd like to address the concern involving the sexual content. While I'm aware we're talking about underage kids I'd like to point out the fact that teen sex and pregnancy are true and realistic circumstances happening in society and I felt that with a young couple like Shoto and Izumi it would be a topic of discussion, particularly since they're reaching a point in their studies that is crucial in their careers as future heroes.  I fully intended on pushing some "uncomfortable" topics and scenarios so you all have been warned. I hope you will give the fic a chance to fully develop. Thank you for your concerns and comments! Enjoy the chapter!

Izumi sighed as she walked down the street towards the address All Might had given her. She wasn't entirely sure what this was all about, but All Might never sent her someplace that wasn't important.

~Flash Back~

Izumi watched as Iida left on his train, her heart still uneasy about his situation and wondered if there had been more she could have said, more she could have done to give him comfort. Nothing seemed to be enough... not when she saw that sorrowed look in his eyes.

"Little Midori!"

The sound of her name snapped her back to the roaring station around her, and she watched All Might rush up panting a bit. He was sweating through his three piece suit and carrying a large plastic bag.

"All Might? What's wrong?"

"I need a favor..." He pulled her along and away from Todoroki who eyed them with some suspicion. "I need you to make a stop on your way to Endeavor's agency."

"Huh? Why?" She let out an oof when he handed her the bag and she peered inside, her brow twitching. "Taiyaki?"

"They're for my former teacher, Gran Torino. He was a friend of my predecessor and was my homeroom teacher at UA for a full year before he retired." All Might visibly shook and his voice cracked some as he tried to remain powerful in the busy arena. "He's asked to meet you, but I can't get away for the moment to take you to him. His home is a direct stop towards Endeavor's Agency." He held out a ticket and directions. "Here, use these."

"All Might, I don't think Endeavor will be very happy with me making-"

"He knows about One for All."

"Gran Torino!?" Her eyes blinked in wide eyed surprise. "Is that why he wants to meet me?"

"Yes, He saw your performance at the Sports Festival and wishes to speak with you." He swallowed hard and slapped his hands on his thighs to try to keep them from trembling. "I...I...I don't know what he'll say but... it's worth a visit. I'll call Endeavor and inform him of your delay."

~End of Flashback~

Izumi had to hold in a shudder. If this guy was scary enough to frighten All Might, she wondered just what kind of lecture she'd receive. Despite doing well in the prelims she was aware her performance was lackluster... and if he knew about One For All, she wa sure what he wanted to do was criticize and measure up All Might's protege'.

When she finally found the agency with the right address Izumi wasn't sure she'd found the right place. The outside of his agency didn't promise much. From what All Might had told her she'd expected some kind of tyrant living in an intimidating threshold. INstead what she saw was a run down walk up, with broken windows, piled up newspapers, and a broken gate being the only thing preventing invaders from wandering on the property.

"What a dump..." She grimaced. Her cell went off and she picked it up answering. "Shoto? Yeah I just made it... I'll drop the Taiyaki off then take a cab to meet you." Izumi spoke over the phone even as she lifted a hand to knock on the door. "I called your dad bu- hold on... the door's open." She peeked in the creaking door and pulled the cell from her ear. "Hello? Gran Torino? Pardon the intrusion..." She opened the door fully, she'd lifted the phone to her ear again to tell Shoto she'd call him back... but then saw the figure on the floor.

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