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The teachers gathered around the conference table discussing the terms for the finals. While written exams had no need for change or alteration, it was decided the practical needed an upgrade. Originally robots were used to avoid complaints from the public about people getting hurt, but if the students were gonna be true heroes their control and knowledge against fighting true opponents needed to be tested.

"Still, having the students fight us in pairs..." Cementoss began.

"It seems a little unfair." Thirteen spoke up finishing his thought.

"If we win too easily we won't be able to grade them properly." Present Mic agreed.

"Which is why we're gonna give the students a handicap. Each student needs to be tested on their weaknesses, and see how they cope with a situation where the mind of their opponent isn't so generally focused."

"Principal, what do you think?"

"I agree we need to change the final exam. The main priority is how to make sure the students stay safe... the answer is simple. We must make the students stronger."

Murmurs of agreement were exchanged and Aizawa picked up his notes.

"Alright to determine teams... first off Todoroki. In general he's doing well but he tends to use brute force. I originally had him paired off with Midoriya since the two seemed to have formed good team syncopation, but I went with Yaoyorozu. She's an all-rounder but unlike Midoriya she lacks the ability to make spur of the moment decisions and apply them. I felt it be a better test for them to pair up, and go against me. I will take advantage of their weakness which is the overuse of their strong quirks and erase them."

"No Objections." The teachers all agreed.

"As for Midoriya, I've paired her with Bakugo. Unlike the others where I based them off grades or quirk affiliation I chose these two more basely on their inability to properly communicate and cooperate with each other. Bakugo is a strong well rounded fighter, but doesn't work well in teams. Izumi is finding her stride, and because of their history together she is the only one I can foresee addressing the problem. However this will truly be a test to see if Izumi can take charge of the situation and get Bakugo to listen and work with her. I'm leaving them to you All Might."

All Might snapped to attention at that looking over at Aizawa with a surprise gaze.

"You're fond of Midoriya, aren't you? Please instruct them well."

~Day 3 of written exams~

Izumi felt sick. She wasn't sure what possessed her to down three helpings of breakfast, but she could feel that big breakfast wanting to rise up in her throat. The last several days of prepping for and taking examinations had been stressful, and though she was fairly well prepared for the written exams, she couldn't help stress on each subject. She'd poured over notes, and textbooks, studied way late into the night, and trained her body bright and early. She hadn't slept well so her body felt tired and drowsy, but she'd somehow managed to stay focus until the test was done before slumping onto her desk. "Ugh I'm gonna hurl."

"Did you do that poorly, Midori?" Uraraka asked coming over to her desk.

"No, I'm pretty sure I did fine, but I'm not feeling too hot at the moment." She rubbed her face. "I'm... my body just doesn't like me right now, that's what I get for not sleeping well and overeating at breakfast."

"You do look rather pale..." she put a hand on her forehead. "Maybe you should go see Recovery Girl."

Bakugo glanced back at her frowning.

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