Date with Bakugo

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He had to be out of his mind, Bakugo thought as he sat by the fountain near the station. What the hell was he thinking making this stupid bet? He'd never been on a friggin date before, and now he was challenging Icy Hot... that wealthy, sophisticated half and half bastard who probably knew exactly what he'd gotten himself into and was still so friggin confident he'd win.


He picked up his phone scrolling through Google hoping it would give him some idea on what to do. He narrowed his eyes on some of the suggestions and his face tensed up with irritation. What the fuck? Flowers? Compliments? A damn suit!? He looked down at his casual jeans, t shirt with a white button up over it.

"FUCK THAT SHIT!" He stood up raving and shoved his phone back in his pocket to pace. He'd gotten to the meeting point a whole hour early and was driving himself crazy. He messed with his hair cursing and wondering when the hell she was gonna get there so he could get this day over with.

"Kacchan!" He heard her voice, and the sound of shoes running across the pavement. He glanced up, and his heart melted into a gooey puddle at his feet at the sight of her. She'd parted her hair into two braided tails, tying ribbons on the bottom. The dress she wore was a pale green, all flowy and springy. On her head was a big sunhat protecting that pale freckled complexion from the sun and she carried a small purse the same green as the dress.

He remembered seeing her all dolled up just a few days before in a lacey white dress that looked like a wedding gown and he had to hold his chest to keep his heart from leaking out again. "Bout damn time!" He shouted trying to hide his embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I got off on the wrong stop!" She panted and bent over holding her knees. "These shoes aren't exactly practical either."

He glanced down at the white heels she wore and made a grumbling sound. Why the hell did he find her bare ankles so damn sexy? He was fucking turning into Mineta. "Well let's go then..." He held out his hand for hers. She stared at it a moment before taking it and letting him lead her through the crowd and out to the city. They strolled hand in hand down the path, Izumi looking around at the shops and people that past by.

"So where are we going?" She asked blinking wide eyed at him.

Hell if he knew, Bakugo thought his eyes scanning around. He spotted the amusement park and calculated how much money he had. When he told his mom he was going out with Usagi on Sunday she'd been generous with his allowance.

"We're going to the amusement park, rides, excitement, all that kind of stuff." He glanced back at her.

"Really?" Her face lit up with excitement. "I haven't been to one since our mom's took us to Fairy Land."

"Are you serious, that was like ten years ago!" He shouted at her in disbelief.

"Yeah, we were too little for the big rides then." She laughed and scratched her cheek. "Though I did like playing the arcade games, even though I only ever won the consolation prize. You won everything though! You were always so good at those games, Kacchan!"

"I'm sure you'd be better at them now that you have a quirk." Most amusement park games had been amplified since the appearance of quirks. They tested you on your control, and were often reinforced with special materials to keep the booths from being destroyed, much the same way Endeavor's dojo was.

"Hey, yeah, you're right. Now I'm really excited! I can't wait to test myself!" She danced a little in her heels. Bakugo bought the tickets and walked with her inside. His lips twitched at watching the wide eyed pleasure spread on her face as she looked at all the rides, and games and shows that filled the area. She opened the map and started looking at the various attraction choices.

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