Hero Killer Stain

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Izumi had heard of him on the news, and had done her own separate research on the internet. He'd killed up to 17 heroes and injured 23 beyond recovery. He was a trained killer, one who had his own ethics and values. It was often said he was an extremist, and before becoming a villain would preach to the masses on the street about an unjust world filled with fake heroes who sought money and fame, and irrational villains who held no ethics or reasons for their unjust crimes.

He wasn't like any villain she'd heard of before, and knew that if their paths would cross during this internship, it would most likely leave a huge impact... or kill her, one of the two. Endeavor seemed confident enough in hers and Shoto's abilities to trust them to patrol the streets of Hosu, but Izumi wondered if they were all in over their head.

The other thing she worried about was Iida. She knew he had taken the internship at Manual's agency, in Hosu, and hoped he was doing alright. The fact that Ingenium was now out of commission was just extra fuel to Iida's grief and didn't want him to do anything stupid. She wished there'd been something, anything she could have done or say to comfort, to help the pain ease.

Shoto noticed the nerves, he spot checked her as she did weights and frowned down. He grabbed the bar, pulling it from her hands to set it down. "You're distracted, Izumi. That's dangerous."

"Sorry..." She slowly sat up, grabbed her towel to dab the sweat on her face and frowned. "I was thinking about Iida."

"Ah..." He took her towel and set it over her head to help dry off the temples and along the hairline. "He's doing his internship in Hosu as well. It's only natural you're worried about him." He sat beside her on the bench.

"I text him the moment I found out we were coming to Hosu. He hasn't responded, and normally he always responds within a couple minutes. I tried calling him and he won't answer me." She gripped the towel tightly in her fingers. "It's more than just being worried about him. I don't want him to do anything stupid."

"Iida wouldn't do that." He stroked her back. "He's the class rep. He knows his responsibilities."

"Maybe... but-" Izumi pulled the towel down and Shoto was taken aback by the tears stirring in Izumi's eyes. "When you're that wound up over something, feeling so much pain and grief, even your best judgement can get shut out."

'Izumi..." Shoto didn't want to admit that she was right. He knew full well what it was like to act upon pent up anger and frustration. It left him feeling a bit unsettled.

Gran Torino watched the two interact. He had to admit Endeavor had a point that those two worked well together, and were in easy company. They had all the signs of a good partnership; communication, trust, acknowledgement and respect of each other's powers. In time he could see them working well together... if it weren't for the fact Izumi was meant to be more than that.

She carried a legacy, not just All Might's but for every person who had been the carrier of One for All. That particular legacy came with chains, and burdens not every partnership was ready for. He wondered if her young heart was even ready for the task. She was good, real good in adapting her powers to be flexible in situations... but that flexibility came with a busy brain, and that brain could be her downfall. She thought entirely too much and about everything at once.

If Endeavor was serious about making these two pair up, then it was up to him to find out if Todoroki could be the support she'd need in the future to balance that busy brain of hers.

"Todoroki..." Gran Torino called out to Shoto and had him lifting his head. "Come here for a moment, and girl you take ten." he pointed at Izumi waving her away with a frown. The two looked at each other, Izumi shrugged and got up walking off to get water and take a breather. Shoto strolled up and bowed in respect.

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