The Unexpected Twist

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Izumi and Bakugo made a break for the gate after executing their plan.

"I can't believe that stupid plan of yours worked." Bakugo's eyebrow twitched.

"Hey other bright ideas were more than welcomed." Izumi retorted with irritation as she recalled her spur of the moment decision.


Izumi flew backwards out of the alley as Bakugo sent out a blast.

"That does it! I've had enough of your whining and lame brain plans, Usagi! I'm finishing this my way!" He stepped out of the alley and Izumi got to her feet and stomped to him, her hood flying off and her hair caught in the wind as they argued.

"That's the way it's always been! You never change you selfish jerk! You're the same angry, stuck up, ass hole only with a fancy costume on!"

"Now, heroes, did you forget who you're really supposed to be fighting?" All Might stepped up cracking his knuckles but the two look at him snarling.

"Shut up!" They shouted together then looked back at each other. All Might tensed up, a sweatdrop slipping down his temple. They were really pissed, the two were cursing the air blue, he'd never heard his little Izumi use such foul language.

"I don't know what I ever saw in you! You're just a curly head slut who gave away their virginity at the first opportunity."

"What?!" All Might's face twisted in shock and horror. His character was broken by this shocking news and he was reduced to Papa Might once more. 

"And you're just pissed off I didn't give it to you! Here have a consolation prize..." Izumi barked back and she moved to lift the top half of her costume and had All Might stammering.

"LITTLE MIDORI!" He grabbed her shirt pulling it back down which brought him in close.


"TAKE THIS!" Bakugo pointed his gauntlet at his face and set the blast off at point blank range. The move had knocked All Might back and gave them the time they needed to get a good distance away.

~End of Flashback~

"It worked at least.... Although a little too well." Izumi looked down at her costumed, the top half of her uniform had been charred and shredded from being too close to the blast and she had to tie it like a makeshift bra around her breasts.

"Of all the times I imagined seeing your boobs this was not in one of my fantasies." Bakugo grunted and spotted the gate up ahead.

"I didn't mean to actually flash them... I just hope no body in the monitor room saw that."

Bakugo's face went blue at imagining Mineta gluing his eyes to the screen and drooling uncontrollably. "I'll have to kill him later."

"What was that?" Izumi glanced up at him, then gasped as All Might sprinted between them. He'd broken the distance and was punishing both of them for their actions by breaking Bakugo's gauntlets and grabbing Izumi by the arm hoisting her up. After using her to knock Bakugo to the ground he hoisted her hip by her wrists watching her squirm and fidget.

"We'll talk later, young lady." All Might said in a brooding voice. "For now I must do my duty and continue testing you. While I applaud the fact you two worked together, coinciding with one another was a prerequisite." He stepped on Bakugo's back keeping him on the ground and Izumi kicked up her legs trying to pry herself free.

"What's with that face, little Midori?" He tossed her making her roll on the ground and stumble up. "Your plan to catch me off guard, and use your maximim firepower to get away was clever... but now that I've broken Bakugo's gauntlets you've lost that firepower. It's over."

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