So Long as We're Together

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*WARNING* This chapter contains graphic content that is not suitable for children. Please be advised before reading!

Class 1A all gathered back at the meeting place with their collected items. The group all chatted and laughed going over their various discoveries and excitement for the upcoming trip. Bakugo and Uraraka sipped sodas both of them looking around trying to find Izumi.

"I wonder where she could have gone off?"

"Probably still picking out flowers..." Bakugo said irritably. Him and Uraraka had spent the better half of the shopping time looking for Izumi. They managed to bump into every other person in their class, but her, and he was beginning to think she'd taken off.

"Hey has anyone seen Midoriya?" Kaminari asked. "She's the only one not here."

"I haven't seen her since we all parted ways," Yaoyorozu tapped her cheek. "Oh dear you don't think she could have gotten lost in here."

"I highly doubt it," Bakugo grunted and tossed his cup away. "Stupid Rabbit probably already left to go meet up with Todoroki." He pulled out his cell phone grunting. "She could have at least called... Hm?" He blinked. "I got a message from her." He opened it and his face went pale.

"Oh hey, so did I..." Kirishima noted when he pulled his own phone out. "She sent a picture it looks like... WHOA! WHAT THE HELL?"

"Hey, who's that guy she's with?" Jiro asked staring at her own phone. "He looks familiar."

"Shigaraki Tomura..." Bakugo shook with anger and he looked around trying to find the area where the picture was taken at. He rushed off panicking as he tried dialing Izumi's number but kept getting her voicemail.

"Did he just say Shigaraki?" Kaminari pointed at Bakugo with a trembling finger. "Isn't that the crazy villain guy from USJ? Why would Izumi be hanging around with him?"

"Idiot," Jiro punched him. "She's not hanging around on purpose. He probably kidnapped her. Someone has to call the school and the police!"

"I'll call the school!" Yaoyorozu was already dialing. "Uraraka call the police, Kirishima, Kaminari go after Bakugo, see if you can't find the place where the photo was taken."

"Iida-kun do you know Midori-chan's house number?" Uraraka asked. "Or the address? Someone should get ahold of her parents."

"I don't... but Todoroki would." He picked up his phone and dialed. It answered on the first ring.

"Iida! What happened? Where's Izumi!?" Shoto's normally calm and collected voice was pitched with panic. The only time Iida had heard him like this was when Izumi had nearly been carried off by the Nomu.

"We don't know, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka are informing the school and police of the situation. Someone has to contact Midoriya's parents."

"I've got Inko's number! I'll call her on my way to the mall right now, I'll let you the minute I get there!" Shoto said as he ran out of the hospital and out onto the street. Deciding it'll be faster he hailed a cab and gave the address for the mall. He looked down at his phone to call his father, and saw Izumi's face on his phone background.

She sat at his table with chopsticks and a bowl of rice, the over-sized shirt loose and her hair piled atop her head as she laughed at a story Fuyumi had told her. If anything were to happen to her he'd never forgive himself.

"I'm sorry, Izumi... I should have been there."

~Villain's Hideout~

Izumi screamed as the knife cut into her. The giggling Toga grinned wide as the sounds coming from Izumi stirred her sick desires.

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