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🌼✨🌙𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔🌼✨🌙

As the clock on my pink wall reached 12 a.m, I was ready to shut the laptop closed and get in bed when I heard a knock on the door. Who could possibly be in the apartment complex at this time? Knocking on my door, when I was not expecting anyone? The front door was supposed to be locked from 10 PM meaning that only people that had a key (which means, only the people living here) were able to get in and out after 10 PM. It had to be someone that lived here.

I hesitantly made my way over to the door, peeping through the peephole. In front of my door was a man, he must've been around my age. However, I had never seen him before, and I thought I knew everyone here, since we're only 16 people in the complex. What was he doing at my door at 12 a.m.? What could he possibly want from me?

"Hello? I think you might have the wrong door"

"I know you don't know me but uhm, this is kind of embarrassing. My girlfriend... ex-girlfriend I guess... well she lives next door and she kind of just broke up with me and I kind of can't get out of the complex anymore... She won't open the door so I guessed I should try next door." he sighed.

I closed the peephole before opening the door. Now that I took a better look at him I could see he'd been crying, I knew the girl next door. Her name was Laila and I knew she had a boyfriend. I also knew she's been having multiple other boys over at night and I also heard things through the walls, disrupting my sleep.

"Come in" I said, still slightly hesitant.

"Thank you, I appreciate" He spoke softly

"uhm, so do you need to talk about it? What happened?"

"No, it's fine. Do you know her?"

"You mean Laila right?" I answered, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah" he sighed.

"Well I don't know what to tell you, I see her sometimes, but we don't really speak or anything."

"I know she's been sleeping with other guys anyway, I don't think I would've lasted long with her anyway"

"I don't know if I should tell you, but I can confirm that."

"Well how sad she broke up with me now, I'm wondering how long she's gonna wait until she realizes I'm not gonna beg for her to take me back. That's when she'll start asking me to take her back." He chuckled at the memories of the situation he's probably been in many times before.

"Will you, though?"

"Nah, definitely not" he chuckled again.

"I think you're to good for her anyway, if that helps"

He kept silent, so I decided to ask him if he wanted some tea.

He replied with a soft 'no thanks' before coming to sit next to me on the couch, moving away from the chair he was previously sat on.

then a long, awkward silence filled the room.

"let's fuck"

I widened my eyes at his sudden outburst. "W..what?"

"Let's fuck, just this once, we'll probably never see each other again. Just a one night stand, I need it"

I stayed silent, seriously trying to think of a reason why I should not accept his offer. He was damned attractive. I couldn't find a reason not to.

"Please" he looked me straight in the eyes now.

A small smirk formed on my face, "okay then, because you asked so nicely".

And before I knew it he had jumped on top of me engulfing me in a heated kiss. Undoing my braid and gripping my hair harshly as I did the same with his long, dark, curly hair. It was kinda greasy. lol.

He slowly started pulling on the hem of my shirt before I took it off myself, leaving me in my bra. He licked his lips before letting me take off his shirt.


After we'd both reached our highs, I fell down on top of him, waiting for my heartbeat to steady, before both quickly putting our clothes back on.

"Jeez you're good" he whispered in my ear before kissing me deeply again, his tongue searching for mine.

"I know" I winked.

"So, what's your name?" He chuckled.

"I'm Dana"

"Hi Dana, nice to meet you, I'm Harry"

"Nice to meet you too, Harry"

"Well, I think I should go now" He spoke, putting his belt on.

I nodded "yes, ofcourse"

"Bye Dana"

"Bye Harry"

and so, we would probably never meet again.

Or so I thought, of course. 

A few minutes later, when I'd just started washing the dishes, another knock on my door was heard. I went to look through the peephole again and there he stood again, so I opened the door, confused.

"I still can't get out" he said, chuckling.

"Oh, duh" I said, retreiving my keys from the drawer, stepping outside the door before closing it behind me. We walked down the stairs together - a lift ride would have been way too uncomfortable - and I unlocked the front door for him. Before he went out, he gave me a post-it with his digits on it.

"What's this for Harry? I though this was a one time thing?" I asked him

"I know, I just imagined... If you need a good fuck, just call me"

"Mhh, thanks" I chuckled, still carefully putting the note in my backpocket not to lose it.

"goodnight Dana"

"goodnight Harry"


The first thing I did when I got back in my aparment was texting him, telling him to save my number for when he needed a good fuck.


Hey peeps, welcome to this new project of mine, I hope you'll enjoy it! Leave a comment and a vote (votes are 100% free u kno) well okay bye bye then

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