Chapter 8: Victoria park

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Hey lovelies! please don't forget to vote! I deprived a lot of sleep from myself to write this :) But it's worth it cuz I love writing!


🌼✨🌙𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔🌼✨🌙

He dipped his toe in the water before getting in, in order to check the temperature. He then slowly lowered himself into the water before sticking his hand out for me to take to steady me as I got in the bath myself.

Harry spread his legs for me to sit inbetween, which was quite awkward at first, if I may be honest. 

I soon forgot about the awkwardness as Harry wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me and leaning his head on my back.

"Are you okay, honey?"

"I feel better" 

He lifted his head and soflty pecked my bare shoulder, causing goosebumps to form on my back.

I sighed and layed back down into his chest, resting my head back on his shoulder while he rested his head on mine. 

"Do you want to go home?" 

"No, not necessarily, it's peaceful here, we could go for a walk or see the city tomorrow. We're here now anyway. Besides, it's like four A.M. so we can't go home now."

"Okay" he whispered, before hugging me just a bit more tightly. "I would have driven you home without a second thought at four A.M. if that would have been your wish." he spoke in my ear softly. 

"thank you" I said, softly "I did absolutely nothing to deserve you, Harry, why do you take care of me so well?" 

"Oh, how I wish you would would worship yourself so much more than you do at this point in your life"

I didn't know how to respond to his kind words that warmed my heart, so I put my hands over his, that were still around my waist. Giving them a little squeeze as a response. Quietly thanking him.  

 "There's so much strength in asking help when you need it, you know?" he said, lifting one hand up to get the hair out of my neck and then softly placing a kiss on my neck. "You're beautiful, and I am sure that a lot of people are ready to help you whenever you need it." 

"The thing is I'm not strong. Not at all." I whispered, secretly hoping he wouldn't hear it. 

"So if you're not strong, what can you do about it? You can try to find a way to cope with the consequences of everything and you'll still be alright, right?"

"right" I agreed. If I just let everything happen to me and find a way to live with it, I'd be alright.

"Wrong" he tells me, taking me by surprise "you're the boss of your own life. The most important person in your life is you. Then comes the rest. You're the only one that can make sure you stay happy and healty. Nobody can help you if you don't let them help you or if you don't want to help yourself first. If you fall, you stand up. Don't be scared that you'll fall again, because you will. The thing is, Dana, you will get up every single time and no matter how many times you need to get back up. All these times there will be people - your family, your friends, me - that will help you get back up and that will listen to you and that will talk to you about everything you feel the need to talk about, that will try to keep you from falling again and that will make sure that if you fall, that you will have a soft landing. I'm here for you and so are a lot of other people, that I know"

Tears were streaming down my face by now. He was so right, all this time I had, without the intention to ask for attention, thought I needed someone to help me get my life back up, but I actually needed to get my shit together and ask for help, but like I told him, I am not that strong. "You're right, Harry, I know. It's just that I hadn't had any anxiety attacks since three years ago. This coming back really hits"

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