Chapter 1: Late night calls

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🌼✨🌙𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔🌼✨🌙
Three months later

The past two months had been a hell of a rollercoaster. I had met a guy, Nick. We went out on a date two months ago and soon we'd started dating. But he was way too good to be true of course. He was a wonderful, sweet AND goodlooking guy. He didn't need more than 2 months to cheat on me, ruining our relationship.

It hurt to see him enter the door next to mine instead of mine when I was late for work this morning.

So I opened the bottom drawer of my desk, containing only stuff for emergencies such as bandages, medicine and Harry's number.

I dialed the number, but just before actually calling, I decided against it. I really shouldn't do this, right? He probably has a new girlfriend by now.

I sat back down, silently sobbing behind my laptop. How could someone hurt me so much just after knowing them for two months? How could I've gotten so attached to him in such a short amount of time?

I saw the clock reaching 12a.m. as I pressed the call button, while looking at my pathetic self in the mirror. My eyes were bright red from the salty tears that'd been falling down my cheeks all night.

"Hello?" a raspy voice asked.

"Hi, Harry" I whispered through the phone.


"Yeah it's me... I- I'm sorry if I woke you up, I- it's just, my boyfriend cheated on me I-"

"I'm on my way" he said "hold on"

"Thank you" I whispered before hanging up the phone and bursting out in tears, screaming in my pillow. I am a pathetic loser. What is wrong with me?

Not much more than 15 minutes later I heard the front-door doorbell ring. I quickly tried to wipe my tears off before snatching my keys off the table and running down the stairs. There he stood, outside the door, his hands in his pockets, his breath blowing little clouds into the cold winter night air.

It was November after all.

I quickly opened the door as he walked in, immediately engulfing me in a hug, the soft smell of his cologne making it's way through my nostrils, into my mind. I was a little awkward at first. Then I hugged him back. Sobbing into his chest.

He stroked my hair, "it's gonna be okay, yeah darling? Don't worry, the fucker's not worth it"

I let out a little chuckle at his choice of words. Before starting to walk back upstairs.

"Why'd you call me?" He asked softly, when we got inside.

"I honestly don't know... I'm so sorry I- I didn't really expect you to actually come over... I just thought- I'm not even in the mood to- you know" I let my head fall in my hands, sobbing a little more. I was a mess and I needed to get myself together.

"It's okay, I didn't come here to have sex, it's just, when a pretty girl calls you, out of all the boys that'd fall at her feet, you don't think twice before doing everything she wants." He looked down and smiled softly.

"Thank you" I smiled a little as well.

"Let's get you into bed then, you need some rest," he told me, resulting in me nodding my head in agreement.

When I had changed, I let him back inside the bedroom and he asked me if he could go into the bathroom. I told him yes and explained to him where it was.

He came back a few seconds later with a small wet towel and lay it on top of my head, cooling down the headache and the stinging in my eyes.

"You should get some sleep," he looked at his phone "it's almost 1 a.m."

I opened my mouth to ask him to stay but decided against it. He saw me hesitating to say something so he took the words right out of my mouth.

"Do you want me to stay with you?"


He took off his shoes, pants, and hoodie. Leaving him in a T-shirt and his boxers, sliding in the spot next to me in my bed.

"Thank you Harry"

"Goodnight Dana" he whispered.


The last thing I remember before falling asleep was his strong arms wrapping around my waist.


Hi, so here's the second chapter you guys, I'm sorry this is really short, but I promise the chapters will get longer 🐥 I hope you like it :)

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