Chapter 10: Towel is Missing

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Dana Jacobs

I stepped out of the shower, my hair damp and little droplets of water running down my face. I groaned, realizing how I had forgotten to take a towel into the bathroom. The contrast of temperature outside the shower versus being surrounded by the comfort of the warm stream of water hitting my nerves. I contemplated yelling at Harry to help but decided against it. I'd just try to dry off in the cold air.

After waiting for 5 minutes and still not being any more dry, I decided to still call for Harry. I groaned, sucked in some air before yelling Harry's name.

"What is it?" he yelled back, I could hear him stand up and walk to the hotel's little bathroom door. He knocked on it softly, letting me know he was there.

"I uh... Harry I forgot my towel... kinda" I nervously chuckled, having an idea of what his reaction might be like.

"You forgot your towel?" He chuckled "but the shower's been off for like 5 minutes"

"I... I was trying to dry off without a towel. I was just standing here and I thought maybe I'd get dry like this..."

He started laughing loudly, I could picture the dimples in his cheeks while he clutched his stomach, bent over forward and his eyes closed while he was laughing. "I know what you want, you want me to come in don't you?"

"No I don't"

"You do"

"Harry I don't!"

I heard some shuffling and the doorknob started moving. Suddenly the door swings open and a smiling Harry appears in de door opening.

"HARRY NO! GET OUT!" I scream, I cover my chest and private parts trying to kick him and push him out of the bathroom but it's of absolutely no use. He doesn't move nor speak and he keeps smiling. He checks me out from top to bottom, licks his lips and whistles before he reaches behind me. I duck, thinking he's reaching for me, but instead he pulls out my towel.

"You really just wanted me to come in, Dana you silly little girl. Your towel is right here"

"I- Harry no it- it wasn't I'm- Harry what?" I quickly snatch the towel out of his hands and wrap it around my body.

"How rude!" He acts shocked and dramatically places his hand over his heart. "Come on, we're going to get dinner"

He places a kiss on my forehead, grabbing my face with both hands. "You're adorable Dani"

"Dani?" I chuckle at the nickname. "Hazzy".

He laughs at my nickname as well and he roughly puts his hand on the top of my head and ruffles my hair before pecking my lips. Lifting up my chin with his hand.

"Why thank you, Hazzy"

"For what?"

"Well," I position myself in front of the mirror so I can look at my messed up hair "for this" I say, pointing at my hair, locking eyes with him through the mirror.

He smiles "I think it looks splendid. I should become an artist. I'll sell out expositions with my beautiful hairstyles."

I let out a laugh "I'm sure"

"Okay Hazzy, I'm going to get dressed now and we'll go get dinner, yes?" I notice him staring.

"Yes. Right. Sorry I'll leave then" he stumbles over his words, quickly looking away from my bare shoulders.

"Oh and Harry?" I question, he turns around on his way out and looks at me questioningly "are you going to take care of that problem or do you expect me to? I'm undressed anyway.

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