Chapter 9: Angry sex

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🌼✨🌙𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑺𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒔🌼✨🌙

We sat under that one tree , she held my hand and softly stroked her thumb over my palms. We had sat here for hours. An elderly couple was sitting on a bench on the side of the path that led it's way through the park. Apart from us and them, the park was empty as it was slowly starting to get more cloudy, it looked like it was about to rain.

"He was a good man you know" I whispered "he didn't deserve to die"

She looked up at me with her beautiful bright eyes and brought her cold hand up to my face, softly caressing my cheek. "I know, I know, it's the best people that are taken away from us, I know" she then placed her hand on my chest and patted the place where my heart was to be found. "but I also know he's here with you, always watching over you. He's with you Harry, he's part of you and part of your heart, I never knew him but I know for sure that he's here with you".

I felt a tear rolling down my cheek, thinking back at all the times I'd sat here with my father, talking about whatever a father and his son would talk about  when they were alone, surrounded by the calming atmosphere of the British nature. She lifted her hand to wipe the tear off my cheek and instead of sitting next to me, she was now turned around, facing me, sitting on her knees. She leaned her forehead against mine and cupped my cheek. 

"It's okay to cry, Harry, just know that I won't think you're less strong because you're crying. Hell, I think it's so strong to show your emotions. I know it's hard, yeah?"

"Thank you" I said softly, connecting my lips with hers, hoping her sweet touch would cure the memories that still tore me apart everyday. Breaking my heart into smaller pieces everyday, never before had I been able to find something that could potentially fix one of the small shattered pieces. 

 But I felt so different with this girl, never before had I met someone whom I felt this much at ease with. Pushing my thoughts aside and deepening the kiss, more tears streaming down my cheeks, melting our lips together.

🌼✨🌙𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔🌼✨🌙

As he held his hand on the back of my head, as if he needed me closer, the tears kept streaming down his face. His comforting hand on my back even when he was crying, made me feel like I had known him for so long.  

I kept rubbing his back before pulling away. His eyes red from tears looked me in the eyes before he broke out in sobs and buried his face in the crook of my neck. A few minutes later he calmed down and stood up, offering me his hand to pull me up as well. He pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear "I don't think I've cried since I was a child". A small chuckle followed.

I softly chuckled as well. "Tough guy I see?". He smiled at this and squeezed my body between his muscular arms once more before letting go to dry his tears.

He then took my hand in his and  pulled it. I just now realized the rain was pouring and we were both soaked. We started running to the car and found Harry's black range rover to be the only car in the parking. 

"Get in the back"

"I- what?" I lifted an eyebrow, knowing damn well what he meant. I needed to hear him say it, the teasing part of me getting the best of me.

"Oh you know what I said" he smirked

"I- yes I heard what you said, but why can't I just sit in the front?" 

"I'll get in the back as well" he started to get a bit frustrated.

"So who will drive the car back to the hotel, so that I can take a shower?"

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