Chapter 2: sex before breakfast

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🌼✨🌙𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔🌼✨🌙

I woke up to the sound of soft snoring next to me, I turn around, expecting to face Nick. Expecting myself to have fallen for his tricks again. When I see the head of dark curls, the memories of last night all come flooding back into my mind.

His arm holds a steady grip on my waist as his features are relaxed. I study his face, his dark eyebrows, his dimples as he holds his mouth in the most subtle smile possible and his fairly long eyelashes. I study them all, the way his dark curls fall down his face and his soft, olive colored skin.

Then his eyes flickered open, he has these amazing bright green eyes, his eyebrows that had once expressed a peaceful state, were now furrowed as the sound of his raspy voice made me jump. "You should take a picture, it'll last longer". Flashing me a gorgeous smile.

"I-, no- I... I wasn't" I stumble, trying to find any words that could possibly save me from this situation.

"It's okay Dana, I know I'm super-hot"

He smiles again, showing off his beautiful set of straight white teeth, shuffling his body closer to me, his face super close to mine. He was now holding up his fit body with one arm, leaning on his elbow. The other one reaching up to my face. "How are you feeling now, sweetheart?"

"I'm good, I never really liked him that much to be honest" I half-lie. I have to get over him anyway.

He hums, as if he doesn't believe me, but doesn't want to argue about it.

"So you're feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

He closed the space between the both of us, pressing his soft lips against mine. My hand immediately found it's way to his neck as I kissed him back. His soft lips against mine, making my stomach turn around in some kind of way I couldn't describe. His hands reached up under my shirt and pulled it over my head in a quick movement.

Soon we were both naked and hungrily kissing.


Harry rolled off of me, heavy breaths coming from the both of us. After having breathed loudly for a couple of minutes he decided to say something "I thought you..." he was still trying to catch his breath in between his words "you didn't... were not over... over him". He said while putting his boxers back on, I pulled on my panties and his t-shirt.

"Over Nick you mean? He was a fucking asshole let me tell you, he just wanted me for the sex and he was never around when I actually needed him. In the beginning, he was still being nice to win me over and then it just started getting worse and worse you know. I have actually been thinking about you a lot when I was in a relationship with him."

"Why's that, do you always think about one night stands for a long time?"

"No, I mean, I..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, that was harsh I'm sorry" he apologized for making me uncomfortable. He rolled on his side and got up on his elbow, supporting his head with his hand. "Dana, I'm so sorry, I'm just a tad upset that you were treated so badly by that Nick guy, if I ever see him around I promise you I'll kick his ass." He brought his other hand up to my cheek and caressed it. Making me feel calm. "Please tell me, why did you think about me?"

"It's just, you know, we had a really good night and even though it was a one night stand, you treated me just the right way, you know. You even left your phone number. I couldn't help but think that I would have been much better off if I had just tried to keep contact with you and maybe we would've met up again and I wouldn't have fallen for Nick you know. But whatever it makes no sense anyway." I sighed, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry but you're so pretty." He said softly, placing a kiss on my neck.

"Harry! I was talking about something serious come on you cant jus-" I was cut off by his free hand shooting to my stomach and tickling me. I started kicking my legs around and laughing uncontrollably. I couldn't breathe but I didn't really care at this point. He stopped tickling me when I missed his face by an inch with my uncontrolled leg that was kicking around. "Woah, easy tiger" he said, still laughing. We laughed a bit more until we fell quiet.

"Are you hungry? We could get some breakfast together if you want" He proposed.

"So you're not leaving?" A smile appeared on my face.

"Why would I leave such a cute pretty girl alone when she obviously wants to marry me?" He smirked

"Oh, wow. I didn't know we were not alone. Where is she? I can't see her" I decided to play along.

"Mhh I'm not sure, I think she's still trying to regain her breath from almost being tickled to death just a few minutes ago.

"I'm not!" I said, slapping his arm "you're such a mean guy!"

"Oh no, how do I make this up to you?" He said, hovering over me and planting kisses on my neck. His hand subtly travelled to the hem of my shirt and started tugging at it.

"Haha, no. You're not getting any of that anymore" I winked at him while grabbing his hand and placing it on the pillow.

He pouted his lip "why not, I wouldn't know any other way to make it up to you"

"Go get me breakfast" I smiled widely, knowing that was not what he wanted.

"Whaaat... No, come on Dana." He looked at me as if trying to figure out if I was joking or not.

"I'm serious, go get some breakfast"

"mhh alright, but only because it's you and you're really sad because you just went through a break-up" He smiled sympathetically.

"Yes thank you Harry" I said, while getting out of bed. He got out of bed as well, looking for his clothes.

"I can't find my t-shirt"

"Oh, I see" I chuckled, playing with his shirt that was around my body.

He didn't realize and kept looking under the bed and on the floor. When he looked up at me and realized I was wearing his shirt a big smirk appeared on his face.

I was confused as to why he was smirking when he had just been looking for a shirt I was wearing for a pretty long time. He should've been embarrassed instead.

"Looks like you're going to have to undress anyway" He said as his smirk grew even wider.


Here you go angels 👼
I hope you liked it 🌼

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