Chapter 5: hungover

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🌼✨🌙𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔🌼✨🌙

Harry ended up paying for the food and had earlier proposed we should go out. I was waiting for him to get his jacket on before stepping out of the burger place.

He looked at me and stuck out his hand again. "Take my hand and I'll be the happiest lad on earth"

So I took his hand in mine and rested my head against his arm. Walking really close to him. He looked down at me and smiled. "Are you having a good time so far?"

"Of course I am, I'm so happy" I smiled back up at him.

"So I know a bar you might like, it'll be fun let's go." He said, before changing directions. We awkwardly turned around, receiving a few mumbles from people that were walking behind us earlier.

We arrived at the bar. It looked really cute and inside I could see people dancing to the music the DJ was playing. Everyone looked so happy. We hung up our jackets and after having checked me out one more time, Harry asked for my hand. "May I have this dance, my darling?" He said with a wink.

"Yes, of course, gentleman" I took his hand and he pulled me towards him. Our bodies crashed into each other and he put his forehead against mine. He looked me deeply in the eyes and put both his hands on my waist. He kissed my forehead and started trailing kisses down my face until he kissed me right next to my lips. I wanted him to kiss me so badly, I needed him to. But I couldn't give in again. After all, it was only a day since I had broken up with Nick and I was still hurt because of it. I didn't want this hurt feeling to influence anything happening between Harry and me, Nick had absolutely nothing to do with Harry.

We danced for hours, moving to the music. I drank a lot, too much, actually. I didn't know what kind of drinks Harry got me, but it got me pretty drunk. Harry looked pretty drunk as well. He got very clingy and wanted to have his hands on me constantly. It was actually very cute, he was mumbling cute words in my ear, giving me the feeling he was way more drunk than me.

When I saw on my phone that it was 3.30 AM I asked him to come closer with his head, so that I could talk in his ear.

"We should go home, Harry"

"Ahw babyyy, just a teeeennyyy tinyyyy bit longer.... It's s- so much fun!" His words were slurry and he was stuttering. He was way too drunk.

"Harry, no. We're going home now."

"Wowwww... my girl's boossyyy!!!" He screamed, while dancing with his arms up, head thrown back and his body slowly swinging to the music.

I grabbed his arm, pulling it down. I locked my hand in his and pulled him with me. He thankfully followed me. When I turned around, I saw him staring at me, he looked down at my bum and licked his lips. I quickly turned my head back to see where we were going, pretending I didn't see what he was doing. He was sweaty and his hands were very warm. I was getting pretty worried about him. When we got outside, into the cool November air. I quickly put his jacket around him and closed it tightly. He seemed zoned out. I put him on the bench that was just outside the club.

"Harry, please look at me". He looked up at me, smiling softly. "What is it?" He said in a sweet voice, his eyes displayed calmness and dizziness. I sat down next to him and ran my hand through his hair to get it out of his face. "Can you please give me your phone? My phone died and I need to call us a cab."

He felt around his pockets before finding it and handing it to me. He then leaned back against the bench and closed his eyes.

"No, no Harry" I shook his shoulders, waking him up. "I need you to stay with me okay?".

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