Chapter 6: plans

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I know nobody cares about author's notes so I'll keep it short bbys. Thank you all so much for over 400 reads on my first 5 chapters already. Keep voting & commenting your funny comments, I read & love them all. Am so thankful for you guys omg. Enjoy this fresh chapter angels!


🌼✨🌙𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑺𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒔🌼✨🌙

The banging on the door continued, followed by a loud voice. "If you don't open this door right fucking now, I swear I'll fucking hurt you. If I find out you're not alone, huh, I'll fucking kill you with my bare hands!" I recognized Nick's voice from the day before and his slumbering and stuttering manner of speaking made me believe he was not sober nor clean of drugs at this moment. 

He kept banging on the door and screaming profanities at the same time, I saw Dana trying her best not to go open the door but when she finally gave in to her curiosity and slight anger, she got up and walked towards the door. I wanted to tell her to stop, but my  by alcohol intoxicated head hurt too bad. My mind took too long to react and before I could process anything she was at the door, unlocking it.

"Hi, Nick. What do yo-" She said in a soft, sad voice only to be interupted when he immediately stepped inside and pinned her against the wall, his one hand around her throat. Choking her.

"You fucking slut" He spoke through gritted teeth. I wasn't sure if he had noticed me yet but I supposed he didn't, however, if he saw me he'd probably get really mad considering he just threatened to kill her if she wasn't alone. "If I tell you to open the damn door you open the damn door." She was shaking by now, trying desperately to get his hands off her throat. When I moved up to get to them, her eyes shot to me and begged for help. He was so engulfed in his anger that he had no eye for me, only looking at her struggle under his dominance.

I had no time to think, nor did I have a head clear enough to think. Before realizing what I was doing, I lifted up a chair that stood behind him and smashed it into his head. He crashed down in a matter of seconds, leaving Dana tumbling forward and gasping for air.

After I had set the chair away and got ahold of Dana, who was still trying to regain her breath. I tried to comfort her, in the meanwhile I felt like someone was banging on the insides of my head. I should've never drunk this much last night. It was irresponsible and I shouldn't even have thought about putting Dana through having to take care of me.

Once she had caught her breath we both turned around to see Nick on the floor. From a wound on his head, he was slightly bleeding. He didn't have any other wounds nor bruises because I had only hit him once in the head. I probably shouldn't have but I could've never fought him in my hungover state.

We looked at each other as of what to do with him. She was the first to speak. "Maybe we can ask Laila to take care of him when he wakes up or something?" She suggested doubtfully. Neither of us was probably excited to speak to Laila.

"We could yeah, I don't really see another option to be fair"

"Okay, so uh do we ask her now?"

"What about I stay here to make sure he doesn't wake up when he's alone and wreck the place and you suggest that to Laila."

"What about we call the police"

"But I knocked him out" I told her, realizing I would probably get in trouble for it.

"We say he fell when he was trying to attack me." She said while walking to the mirror and looking at the red marks on her neck, where his sickeningly disgusting hands had been. "She'd probably call the police on us anyway, right?"

"True, true" I said, contemplating our options in my mind.

"I think that'd be the best idea, yeah"

"We might have to hurry up though because I'm scared he'll wake up"

I nodded, taking out my phone and dialing the police's non-emergency number.


(A/N) Listen to Higher by Blanks while reading this part! It's on the side my hunnies :) luv

🌼✨🌙𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔🌼✨🌙

After the police had left with Nick, Harry sat back on the bed. "We're going away for some time." He had bluntly said, while he had gotten up and dressed in front of me. He had slid on the black-colored jeans that he wore most of the time. Then he had quickly thrown on a button-up and had buttoned only the bottom buttons, revealing his hairy chest.

"What do you mean, Harry, going away?" I had asked him, curiously. "It's a Sunday morning, I have to go to work tomorrow and where would we even go?"

He had sighed softly before grabbing my hands and staring into my eyes deeply. "Call in sick on your work tomorrow. You've been through enough this weekend. I don't know where we're going yet. I'll take us to someplace nice and we'll stay the night. You can get back to work on Tuesday." He had had me in the part where he had used his bright green eyes to stare into mine, I'm not going to lie. So I had whispered softly in his ear, "Okay" before resting my head against his chest and listening to his heartbeat for a while he had wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.


So now we're in his black range rover. He's driving and the mood's up again. We're singing along to Viva la vida by Coldplay. No long, boring talks. Just singing along to songs and clearing our heads forgetting all past events.

After a few hours of driving through different cities, we arrived in Bristol. He had called a hotel and booked us a room during the drive, spending way too much money on me. Again.


Hi! I know it took a bit longer with this chapter than last week but that's because the school's started again and I had a 6000 word paper due today so yeah I guess everyone knows the drill. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and are wondering what they're up to staying in a hotel room together *wink wink smirk smirk*

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