Chapter 3: muffins and exes

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🌼✨🌙𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑺𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒔🌼✨🌙

After looking at her change, I left her apartment and quickly walked down the stairs, skipping a few steps every now and then. This girl was driving me crazy. I quickly jumped into my car and drove to the nearest Starbucks. Luckily her place was kind of close to mine, so I knew where to find a Starbucks.

I ordered two muffins and two cups of coffee and returned back to my car. I checked my phone before driving away.

Laila had texted me.

'Hi honeybun, how have you been doing baby? Our argument was really pointless, wasn't it? It's been like 3 months, please come over? xx I love you babe'

'Hey Laila, I'm sorry but I am not coming back to you, and I mean this in the least offensive way, but I don't think you and I make a good couple. Besides, I have found someone else to love now. I hope you will be okay. x H'

I tried to keep it as nice as possible, but I was not going to let Dana go because this girl suddenly wants me back. Besides, I bet she has been sleeping around with guys since the day we broke up.

She didn't reply nor read the message so I decided to head back to Dana's apartment.

I rang the doorbell and when she answered I happily spoke into the microphone "warm coffee and muffins!"

"Yeah please come up I think we got a problem" she spoke with her tone down.

"What's wrong?"

"Just come up please"

A buzz announced that she had opened the front door for me and I quickly went up the stairs to her apartment. A guy with short black hair stood in front of her door, knocking on it. He looked very mad and kept knocking louder and louder.

"Hi excuse me, can I help you?" I asked

He seemed to calm his temper "Oh, sorry, it's nothing. My girlfriend and I got in a sort of argument"

"Oh, I don't think you're at the right door then"

"I am, I know where my girlfriend lives, now thank you for leaving"

"I'm actually here for her, I was just getting her breakfast so if you'd please let me in I would appreciate that, the coffee's getting cold."

He stared at me for a while before stepping back. "Wh- what do you mean?"

"I mean, if you could just go home so we can have our breakfast"


"Hey easy, easy, calm down" I tried to calm down this guy, that I assumed was named Nick.

I heard a door open and before I could process what was happening I heard the annoying voice ringing in my ears.

"Oh, baby! You decided to come! I love you so much! You bought me breakfast?"

Nick and I both looked her way, both widening our eyes.

"Nick? What are you doing here?"

Nick stepped towards Laila and started talking to her about something I couldn't hear. I used the moment to softly knock on Dana's door.

"Dana? It's me, sweetheart, I'm here, please open the door for me would you darling?"

The door opened a tiny little bit before I quickly snuck in and closed the door behind me. I set the muffins and the coffee on the counter before turning back around to Dana. She looked clueless about what to do or say so I stepped closer to her, engulfing her in my arms and hugging her tightly.

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