Chapter 7

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Cassie Ventura:

"I'm sorry about that baby." Dave said once we got in the Bugatti.

"You sorry?" I asked biting my bottom lip, I took in the view of him that I did have and instantly got turned on.

"Yeah man, Chris and Kehlani crazy they a-"

"Show me how sorry you are Dave." His eyes reverted to me, his frown instantly turned into a smirk.

"Come here ma." He says, and I followed his demand climbing over onto his lap straddling him.

"You're mine, right?" I asked

"All yours shorty."

"Show me, do what you want to me." I instantly felt his erection pressing against my pussy. I leaned down, "Don't fuck anybody else Dave, okay?" I spoke against his lips and he nodded. His lips caught mine, my hands grabbed his face and I tilted my head gaining more access to his lips.

I was falling hard for him, though he was 17 he just had this grown man demeanor. I didn't miss Diddy at all, in fact I was home less and less and I spent more time with Dave. I began to grind against him moaning into his mouth. I knew that turned him on more when he gripped my waist and groaned into my mouth.

He unbuttoned my shirt revealing my exposed skin. Our lips stayed connected as he pulled my shirt off letting it fall onto the floor. Our lips continued in sync and I reached down undoing his button on his jeans. The kiss grew sloppy but passionate, he lifted himself up in the seat pulling his pants down along with his boxers.

Once he sat back down careful not to break the kiss, he pulled away from the kiss, "Backseat." He instructed, I only nod in response climbing in the backseat. I pulled my heels off along with my jeans and underwear.

The moment he climbed in the back he didn't have his shoes nor pants or boxers on. He grabbed my legs sliding me down under him, he leaned down reconnecting our lips. It was like we never stopped kissing, I reached down gripping him in my hand. He groaned into the kiss, his fingers ran through my hair before he gripped it wrapping my hair around his hand yanking my head back as soon as I slipped him inside me.

I loved it, I loved how rough he was he groaned so loudly against my neck as he stroked perfectly in and out of me. He wasn't scared to let me know I felt good, his strokes were so fucking perfect. The way he slid inside me, the way he hit this certain spot made me moan out his name so loud, "Dave!" I screamed out.

Sex with him was so much better than sex with Diddy, I honestly think I was addicted to Dave already. Was it because he was younger? Or was it how he took care of me? Maybe both? With him I had no worries, not even with my safety.

His thrusts became rough but they felt so good. My eyes rolled back, and he pounded deeper and deeper inside me my hands were on his lower back. The harder he pounded into me the deeper my nails dug into his back. "Daddy right there!" I screamed out,

"You sound good as fuck baby girl." I spoke huskily in my ear creating a waterfall, I didn't ever want this to end. His teeth sank into my neck before he began sucking and licking my neck, marking up his territory. I didn't really care either, I probably shouldn't go home tonight but in this moment? He could do whatever he wanted with me.

It's been so long since I've been pleased like this, "This pussy is mine." He spoke sternly but yet seductively, I nodded feeling myself so close to cumming. "I can't hear you Cassie." He gritted

"I-It's yours!" I screamed out, "All yours Dave, make me cum daddy please!" I begged, his hands gripped my waist as he sat up he slammed me down into his thrusts more. I gripped the seats allowing my moans to flow out, I didn't even care how loud I was.

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