Chapter 8

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Dave East:

I woke up feeling my phone vibrate on my chest. I picked it up unlocking it, I sat up on my elbow looking at a text from Cassie.

I was looking at a positive pregnancy test picture. I had to wake up all the way and realize what I was looking at. The minute I started studying the picture again, she FaceTimes me. I quickly answer, "Hey baby, what was that?" I asked

"5 weeks pregnant boo. I been trying so long to have a kid, and here you come knocking me up she says with a slight smile. You don't have to be here for it or anything I understand you're still young but I want it."

"Nah I'm there for you and the ki-" I heard somebody throwing up, I tossed my blanket from over me and got out the bed. I walked out of my room and across the hall into the guest bathroom seeing Kehlani slumped over a toilet throwing up.

"Everything okay baby?" Cassie asked, a pregnancy test was sitting on the countertop, a positive pregnancy test.

"How far along Kehlani?" I asked getting scared.

"5 weeks David." She replied hoarsely

"5 weeks what?" Cassie asked, I leaned down holding Kehlani's hair up.

"She's pregnant." I said sighing, I looked at Cassie who seemed slightly hurt but she gave me a slight reassuring smile.

"We'll figure it out baby." She says, I nodded. Once Kehlani finished throwing up she got up rinsing her mouth out, she the grabbed a tooth brush that was unopened from the cabinet. She opened it and placed tooth paste on it.

She brushed her teeth 4 times before she turned and looked at me. "It's yours David."

"I know Kehlani, Cassie is pregnant as well."

"Of course she is, this is just fuckin great." She pushed past me making her way out the bathroom.

"I'll be over in a minute baby boy, I'll call you when I'm outside." Cassie said, with that I had hung up and went after Kehlani.

"Lani what you tripping for?"

"I don't wanna be pregnant David!" She shouted

"You the one that told me to cum inside you! I know you not blaming me!" I shouted back as we made it into her bedroom.

"I'm so in love with you and I wish I wasn't, I really wish I wasn't." She mumbled running her fingers through her hair.

"So what? You aborting my kid?"

"Ain't no abortions around here we have all our kids." Mila said standing in the doorway.

"Why y'all arguing?" Chris asked standing next to her.

"I'm pregnant and so is his bitch!" She yelled hitting me in the chest.

"Oh well, you said we ain't have to be together. I said we wasn't together when you came onto a nigga."

"So what raise our kid by myself?"

"I ain't say that, this don't change the fact we not gone be together is all I'm saying."

"So wait Cassie pregnant too?" Mila asked

"Yes." Both Kehlani say at the same time.

"Damn Dave imma get you some condoms bruh." Chris said making Mila laugh.

"Well we gone leave y'all to it." Mila closed Kehlani's room door.

"You don't love me Dave?" She asked

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