Chapter 9

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Dave East:

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Dave East:

"Where this nigga at?" I mumbled waiting for him to walk through these doors at any moment. I had Cassie's phone texting him from it like I was her,  she went to go take a shower.

I started to grow impatient, I took a deep breath so I ain't do nothing stupid. I jogged upstairs and I heard Cassie singing, I made my way into the bedroom I heard her singing from. She had a towel wrapped around her naked body as she searched her drawers for something to wear. "He ain't replying." I said sitting her phone down.

"You okay baby?" She asked turning to look at me.

"He fuckin with the wrong people man, he ain't learned shit yet. At this point he gotta die." I said shaking my head. I started pacing, twirling my chin hairs around my finger as I contemplated.

Within seconds Cassie stepped in front of me, she unwrapped the towel letting it fall to the ground. "Come take your anger out on me baby.." seduction laced her voice, this girl was driving me crazy. Older women were so much nastier. They wasn't scared and most importantly they were experienced and mature.

Her manicured nails dragged down my body stopping at my draw strings, I pulled my shoes off once she undid my draw strings. Once she pushed my basketball shorts and boxers down I kicked them off my ankles.

When I picked her up and laid her on the bed she didn't hesitate to kiss me, Cassie was so beautiful. She was everything I wanted in a woman, she had things she wanted to accomplish in life. I didn't mind her being pregnant, I mean I didn't mind Lani being pregnant either but there were complications there.

I slipped inside Cassie her back arching and her legs wrapped around me the second I slipped inside her. She let those moans out because she knew that's what I liked. When I realized where were fucking it turned me on more, the disrespect was vivid.

I was fucking his girl, in his bed, in his house. Her fingers Tangled in my hair as I did what she said, pounding in and out of her letting my anger out. I wasn't too rough because she was pregnant.

I flipped her over onto her stomach, and when she got up on her knees, that perfect arch in her back made me want her more. I grilled her waist sliding back inside of her, and that low moan she let out made me go crazy.

Gripping a handful of her hair as she met my thrusts halfway sshe seemed to be enjoying every minute and every stroke. I could never get tired of her, I don't even think the streets could keep me away from her. Diddy must have been gay cause I would be here on time hitting this every chance I got. She had me crazy about it already and we only been fucking around for 2 months.

Cassie Ventura:

"Where are you?" I asked Diddy, my phone was on speaker while Dave hungrily kissed and sucked on whatever he could. I bit my bottom lip to keep from moaning.

"I got business to handle." Diddy says

"You always got business to handle, you need to leave them people alone before you lose your life and then what am I supposed to do?"

"Bitch you ain't got faith in a nigga now?" He asked getting disrespectful.

"Bye Sean I'll see you whenever you fuckin decide to come home." I say acting like I cared. I couldn't wait for Dave to beat his ass and his brother to kill his bitch ass. I was so over him and his little boy ass ways.

"I don't wanna name her Harley, I wanna name her Kairi Chanel." He said laying back down on top of me.

"That's so cute, I'm okay with that baby. Now you gone be mad when we have a boy."

"Nah imma love my young bull." He replied making me chuckle. I played with his hair while he snuggled his face in my neck. His phone started ringing and he got up out of the bed picking his basketball shorts up pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Hello?" He says answering the phone. "Nah nigga ain't here yet." He replied, he climbed back ontop of me snuggling his face back in my neck. "I'm all good Chris, Imma shoot you the address bro." He remained quiet for a minute. "Aight bruh I love you too." He says before he hung the phone up. He sat it next to him on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. "I love layin on you girl witcho comfortable ass." He mumbled.

He picked his phone up and I watched him text Chris the address, he put his phone down and closed his eyes once I began playing in his hair again.

We sat in a comfortable silence for about half an hour until I heard knocking at my front door. He got up and pulled his basketball shorts on, I climbed out if bed picking up his t-shirt pulling it on before I followed him out the room.

When we made it downstairs I stood behind him as he opened the door, it was only his family. He let them in, "Nigga came over here to bust a nut." Chris says as they all made their way in looking around.

"So this how this nigga living?" Nipsey asked

"So what we wait for that nigga to get here and take his ass out?" Boogie asked

"No, I want all his niggas around so we can take they asses out too. When we clean up we cleaning up, no nigga left behind." Nipsey said. "Scope the place out, thank you Cassie." He said looking at me.

"No, thank you." I replied, the bitterness that man has caused me over the years I could care less what happened to him.

"Can't believe this bitch get to be pregnant too." I heard Kehlani mumble.

"What was that?" I ask

"I said bitch you shouldn't get to be pregnant either!" She shouted

"Lani chill out." Mila says

"Wait, pregnant?" Brittany asked

"Yeah Dave got Lani and Cassie pregnant." Jhene replied

"Woah, wait a damn minute." Brit's face scrunched up. "Somebody give this nigga some condoms."

"No point the damn nigga already got them both pregnant." Nipsey replied. "It's okay we need to expand the family anyways, Lani stop acting like a bitter ex you shouldn't have broke up with him and you would still have him, another thing that's a grown ass woman respect her you and Chris am I understood?"

"I don't like her ass!" Chris shouted

"And she didn't like yo ass either bitch ass nigga now shut up!" Jhene shouted making everybody laugh.

"Alright uncle Nip." Kehlani say rolling her eyes.

"You in my good graces Cassie." He says to me

"Thank you Nipsey." I reply

"Well shit we ain't got no choice but to like her ass now thanks to you Nip." Chris says and Jhene picked up her cell phone throwing it at him and it hit him in the back. He groaned out in pain rubbing his back.

"What I say Maurice?" She asked

"Shut up." He mumbled like a child in trouble

"So why you ain't listening?" She then asked

"I'm is." He replied innocently

"Yeah okay let it happen again, Royalty ain't gone have a daddy and neither am I."

"Ew bitch." Mila, Lani, and Brittany say at the same time.


Drama about to get real

Just know if somebody dies

I love y'all , okay? Okay.

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