Chapter 10

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Dave East:

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Dave East:

Yeah I know I'm supposed to be about my money

Cause that baby gotta eat when she get hungry

And anything my family need they get it from me

So when sh** get ugly--

Nipsey had cut the beat unexpectedly making Jhene take off the headphones she had over her ears. "I was in the middle of woosahing nip." Jhene said

"Yeah man what up with that?" Chris says from inside the booth as well.

"Dave go handle the mothers of your unborn children." Nip replies and my eyebrow went up.

"What you mean?" I asked as I got up from the rolling chair following him out of our in home studio Chris built for Jhene a couple years ago.

"Cassie has a busted lip, came over crying said Diddy beat her ass. Kehlani laughed and shit went up from there." He explained as we jogged up the stairs. "You need to sit they ass down and make them get along nephew, make it clear on who you want and make people play they part." He explained

As I made my way into the living room Kehlani was in Cassie's face. "Bitch these hoes out here in New York may be easy to beat, but I'll give yo ass a Slauson Hills ass beating real fuckin quick!" She shouted in her face, and I grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"What I tell yo ass Lani?" I grabbed her face making her look at me.

"She started that shit, I wish you wouldn't have got this bitch pregnant David now the bitch think she important." She hissed at me pushing me out her face storming up the steps.

"I did not start it, I was explaining to your uncle what happened and the bitch hopped her ass in laughing and shit." Cassie explained

"Okay sit down and let me go talk to her, I'll be right back." I sighed, I jogged up the steps and made my way down the hall to Kehlani's room. I didn't even bother to knock I opened the door letting myself in and closed the door behind me. She did an irritated huff, "Why do you hate her so damn much?" I asked

"Because I love you David, I'm in love with you and she fuckin has you! I was so happy about being pregnant because I knew that I was important to you more important than her! But it doesn't feel like it anymore! I feel pushed off, like you regret getting me pregnant!"

"Lani you will always be important to me, always and you know that. You ain't never tripped this hard on any female that fucked with, so why this one?"

"Because David you actually like this one." She stood up running her fingers through her hair. "She's taking you from me." She turned around looking at me, "Do you even still love me?"

"Of course I do-"

"So be with me please."

"I can't but I-"

"Just get out." She says waving me off.

"No, I need you to be nice and stop-"

"Whatever David." She mumbled, I grabbed her by her arm making her look at me.

"When I'm talkin' don't interrupt me. Get yo shit together now. I don't want another problem out of you, do I make myself clear?"

She pushed my hand off of her, "Fuck off." She hissed angrily and I grabbed her by her neck getting in her face.

"I said do I make myself clear Ashley!"

"Just tell me you're still in love with me." She mumbled looking into my eyes, "If not I'll let you go and I'll attempt to like her." I just looked at her, I always told her I wouldn't lie to her and I would be lying if I told her she didn't still own my heart. She searched my face for an answer and instead I just decided against answering.

Her arms wrapped around my neck, and when her lips unexpectedly pressed against mine everything around me disappeared. Kehlani had been my baby since we were 11, and we've known each other damn near our whole lives.

She knew me better than anyone, and she would kill for me no questions asked. I could never cut her out my life completely, but the kind of life I want to live just ain't meant for us to be in a relationship.

As our lips moved in a sync and we made out hungrily Cassie popped up in my head and I quickly pulled away. "I can't do this Lani." I say resting my forehead against hers. "I promised Cassie I wouldn't do this to her, and I'm going to respect that promise. I just need you to be nice, I know you hurt and I understand but nobody is ever going to be more important than you. Be nice for me, please?" My hands were now rested on her waist.

"I would do anything for you." She replied and I smiled. "I'll be nice, I still don't like nor trust the bitch but for you I will be nice."

"Thank you." I picked my head up from hers, I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll kill that bitch if she hurts you David." She warned

"I know, and I'm pretty sure she knows."

"I will come down in a minute I gotta get all my anger out before I see her or imma accidentally on purpose be rude." She said making me laugh as I let her go, I let myself out the room. I sighed leaning back against the door once I closed it. Life always gotta be complicated.

"Bitch Dave got yo ass thinking you important!" I heard my brother yell, and I sprinted down the hallway and down the steps my brother standing over Cassie he looked like he was about to hit her. I walked over to him pushing him back.

"Man bruh don't ever stand over her like you gone do some."

"Man I don't like that bitch!" Chris shouted

"And I don't like you either." She replied

"Bitch you ain't gotta like me the only reason you even around is because Lani ass love the streets! You wouldn't even exist had they stayed together!"

"Aye what the fuck is going on?" Jhene asked coming from upstairs

"Man this bitch got mad cause I laughed at how her face looked and told me to get the fuck out her face and presence in MY damn house-"

"Chris get the fuck upstairs now." Jhene said

"But baby sh-"

"Fuckin now Maurice!" She yelled and he huffed walking past her storming up the steps. "I'm sorry Cassie he will be in check from now on." Jhene said as she opened the coat closet, she reached on the shelf grabbing a pistol. She took the clip out and put it at the top of the closet before she closed it going upstairs after my brother.


Chris and Lani ass HATE Cassie 😭

How y'all feel about her though? 👀

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