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There were once two sisters named Solaria and  Lunita. They were the  daughters of  King Sol and  Queen Luna, king and queen of  kingdom Elementia. Solaria is a very positive person, always eager to try new things. But Princess Lunita is nothing like Solaria. She's more of the opposite. Lunita always locks herself in her room, and no one really knows why. The people of Elementia refer her as " Lunita the Shadow Princess" because she always stays in the shadows and never reveals herself.

A few years later,  Princess Lunita was supposed to be crowned he new queen of  Elementia. Unfortunately, the Natural Council did not accept this. They thought that Lunita was unprepared and unreliable. Most importantly, a princess cannot become a queen unless she marries. Then King Sol said this:
" Then it is settled. We will tell the princes of all our neighboring kingdoms that we need a suitable husband for my daughter. And when she finds that suitable husband, she will become queen of Elementia."

And so it happened. Every day a prince would come from a kingdom to court Princess Lunita. But no matter who tried,the princess would

 But no matter who tried,the princess would

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always reject them. Queen Luna did not accept the fact that her daughter is going to get married. She didn't want to lose her daughter. So one night, she told to her daughter:
" My little Moonlight, the days are getting colder and the lights will soon fade away. Promise me that no matter what, don't ever marry those princes. For your mother's sake." Lunita solemnly promises that no matter what, she would never, ever marry anyone. But little did she know that keeping this promise would lead to a heartbreaking memory.

Three months have passed, and most of the princes have already married someone else ever since princess Lunita kept on rejecting them. Princess Lunita did it! She kept her promise into not marrying anyone! But sooner or later, her little secret will turn into huge trouble.

Years later, princess Solaria got married. Since princess Lunita isn't married yet, princess Solaria became the new heir to the throne.

 Since princess Lunita isn't married yet, princess Solaria became the new heir to the throne

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Lunita felt something she has never felt before... it feels so strange,she tells herself. It feels like... jealousy. She had never envied her sister, but now, dark thoughts had entered her mind. Is it because I didn't became the queen? Is it because I didn't marry? Marry. Don't ever marry. It was her mother's request. Her mom was using her this whole time. Mom never wanted her to be queen. Dad didn't even like her anyways. It was always Solaria. Solaria the Positive. Solaria the Outstanding. Always Solaria. It all sounds clear now. She kept her mother's promise... all for.. nothing. So what did she do? She ran, away from the palace, never looking back.

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