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Yeet! 13 people already read this story! Thank you guys so much! It's kinda my first time so yeah... Anyways, let's get back to the story...

At the palace...

KING FREDRICK: Solaria? Are you awake?It's time for another morning walk around the park! Solaria?

King Fredrick looked closely to see if Solaria was awake. Well, she is. But, she doesn't look so good...

KING FREDRICK: Honey? Are you ok?!

QUEEN SOLARIA: Fredrick! I think- I think the babies are coming!Quick! Get me to the ho- hospital-*faints*

KING FREDRICK: *panics* D-don't worry honey! Everything will be alright! Mary! Mason!Guards! Get here quickly!

So it turns out that their children are arriving!King Fredrick brought his wife to the hospital, quickly as possible.

Minutes later..

.                                         .                                         .

DOCTOR: Excuse me Sire. Your wife is awake now. You may go see her.

KING FREDRICK: Thank you, Casper.

DOCTOR CASPER: No problem, Sire.

In the queen's room...

KING FREDRICK: Honey, can I come in..?

QUEEN SOLARIA: Yes, you may enter.

KING FREDRICK: How's our little babies?

QUEEN SOLARIA: Oh, their doing fine, dearie. The doctor and his nurse took them to see if they were ok.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Anyways, what should we name them?

KING FREDRICK:Well, I think that we should name them as soon as-

NURSE: *knocks* Sorry to  I intrude (again😑😅😂) but, there is something I need to tell you both...

KING FREDRICK: And what would that be?

NURSE: It's about your children...

NURSE: It's about your children

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KING FREDRICK: And what about them?

NURSE: Let me call in  Doc. Casper first your Highness...

As soon as the nurse called in the Doc. Casper, he explained to the king and queen about what's wrong with their children.

DOCTOR CASPER: You see your Majesties, while we were scanning your children, we picked up a strange sense in each of your children's body.One was too hot, the other was too cold. We even looked at their physical features. One of them had eyes that were too dark, it was pure black with purple pupils, another had yellow eyes and white, shining pupils.

NURSE: Oh! And the way the how they acted towards their environment!It was strange! When I put a plant near one of them, the plant started to curl up around the child!

DOCTOR CASPER: *whispers* Shh, no yelling in front of the king and queen!

NURSE: *whispers* Oh right! Sorry!

KING FREDRICK: And your point is?!

DOCTOR CASPER: W-well your Majesty, we think that your children will have to stay in the hospital for a while, so we can do a few tests on them to make sure if their... um...

NURSE: Safe! Yeah! We will make sure that your children will be strong and healthy!

DOCTOR CASPER :*whispers* KK!


NURSE KK: *looks at king and queen* Oh right! Sorry about that! (again😏)

QUEEN SOLARIA: It's alright. And I approve. What do you say, Fredrick?

KING FREDRICK: Well, if that's the safest way, then alright. I'll give you a week.


EVERYONE: *stares at meh(the nurse)*

NURSE KK: I-I mean, o-of course y-your Majesty! 

KING FREDRICK: Good. And thank you for telling us. You may leave.

DOCTOR CASPER: Anytime your Majesty. And I need to talk to you.


DOCTOR CASPER: Yes, you KK. Now, come along. We must leave the king and queen alone.

NURSE KK: Goodbye your Majesties!


QUEEN SOLARIA: Hm. The two of them remind me of us when we were teenagers. I was the eager one, and you were the serious one.

KING FREDRICK: Really? I thought it was the other way around.😏

QUEEN SOLARIA: Your puns are terrible. And that's why I love you.💕

KING FREDRICK: That's why I love you too, honeybun!🥰

QUEEN SOLARIA: *sigh* Do you think our children will be alright dear? They might be in great danger or , or...

KING FREDRICK: Of course they will be fine. They are in good hands. I've known Casper and KK for a long time now, I'm sure they will be fine.

QUEEN SOLARIA: You think so?

KING FREDRICK: I know so. And whatever happens, we're in this together.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Thank you Fredrick, I feel better already.🥰

Yay! Finally done with chapter 2! Wow I feel exhausted!😫 But it was worth it. Oh and I added myself in the story 'cause, why not? I didn't want to be alone, so I added my "friend" Casper. And no,  he's not real;-;. Anyways, thank ya'll so much for reading! Bye lil' pups!:3
Note: King Fredrick 's puns are terrible(to be honest I don't know why I did that😅)

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