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Location: Palace ER
Time: Last night

AURA: *sleeping, dreaming, sweating* T-their coming. Coming soon. Coming to get us. Coming for us. Us.



AURA: Oh, it was just a dream. Just a dream.

SUNSHINE: Aura? Why are you still awake?

AURA: Sunshine! *whispers* I-I mean, Sunshine! What are you doing here?

SUNSHINE: *whispers* I was going to watch you for the night so I did. And then I noticed you had trouble in your sleep. Did you get a nightmare?

AURA: *whispers* Yes, but, it's not that important right now. And, I think you should go to sleep.

SUNSHINE: *whispers* Ok, Aura. Goodnight!

AURA: *whispers* Goodnight.

Aura was completely appalled about the dream she had. Who is coming? And what did it have to do with her siblings? She wanted to find out more, but the only way to do that is to go back to sleep and let another dream take place of this mystery. Even though she didn't want to, Aura had to do it. It might something to do with that mysterious cloak girl, she thought. Aura tried to sleep, and then, a few moments later, she was sinking down in an inky blackness.

AURA: W-Where am I?

No answer. The only thing she could hear was her voice echoing in the void of nothingness. A few feet below her, Aura saw a light, a bright, white light. Is this the way out?, she wondered, while she slowly started to fall into the bright light.


There was a loud thud. Aura stood up, and she quickly realized that she was in her brother, Flame's bedroom.

AURA: Is this Flame's bedroom...? It's...all burned down. This must be the day after the...incident. But, what happened in here...? It's a total wreck!

VOICE 1: It was your fault anyways.

VOICE 2: No it was not! She isn't the one to be blamed. She was only trying to help.

VOICE 1: Fine. It isn't. It's her brother's fault.

AURA: W-Whose there?!

VOICE 2: We are you! But, in a different way.

VOICE 1: We're basically trying to help you through your dream.

AURA: M-my dream? Really?

VOICE 2: Yep! We're here to help you answer all your questions!

VOICE 1: Not quite, exactly. We're just here to help you analyze facts from the events that have happened the days before. And my senses tell me that something bad is going to happen to you soon.

AURA: What kind of thing?

VOICE 2: Should we really show her?

VOICE 1: We have to. It's the only to help her.

VOICE 2: Ok then. *sigh* Hold on tight.

Aura's two "voices" brought her through a tunnel, like the black void she went through a while ago. Instead of it being dark, there are portals, portals like the one the mysterious cloak girl made in the air. Inside those portals Aura could see precious moments and remarkable memories she had during her past. The portals had different colors, each color represents the emotion Aura was feeling during that time. She saw a memory of her first day at Magical Ministry, and the color of the portal was yellow, since Aura was very happy to be there. Then she saw another memory; the time when she and Flame were fighting over a chocolate-chip cookie. The portal's color was reddish-blue, and Aura wondered why the portal has two different colors.

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