~Chapter 1~

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So let's recall what happened. Lunita ran away from the palace, because she envied her sister, Solaria. Now, what has been happening since Lunita left? What do you think is Soloria up to? Let's find out...

Solaria is now the new queen of Elementia. She faces the challenges and duties as the role of a queen. Although she faces these hardships, her husband, King Fredrick, has always supported her. Together, the two of them ruled the kingdom of Elementia in peace and harmony.
Then one day....

At the hospital


DOCTOR: Your Majesty May I speak with you?

KING FREDRICK: What is it that you wanted to tell me?

DOCTOR: You Majesty, we have discovered that your wife...is pregnant. We did the Cat Scan, and we have discovered that the queen is going to give birth to six children.

KING FREDRICK: You mean my wife is going to have sextuplets!!!

DOCTOR: Yes. It is going to be a painful procedure, so Queen Soloria will have to take these prescriptions. *gives paper*

KING FREDRICK: *sigh* Alright then. May I go see her?

DOCTOR: If you wish, you Majesty.

In Queen Solaria's room


QUEEN SOLARIA: Oh hello, dearie. Have you heard the news?

KING FREDRICK: That we are having children?

QUEEN SOLARIA: Yes, how did you know?

KING FREDRICK: Your doctor told me.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Alright then. *smiles* Aren't you glad that we are finally having children?

KING FREDRICK:*sad* Yes, I am quite excited..

QUEEN SOLARIA: Why are you sad, dearie? Are you disappointed...?

KING FREDRICK: Oh, it's nothing honey.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Now I can tell that something is wrong with you. Please tell me. Seeing you sad makes me sad too.

KING FREDRICK: *sigh* Well,
I am happy that we will have children of our own to take care of , guide, and cherish forever. But, I am worried that I won't be a good father. I might disappoint them, you, or even myself. I don't know, Solaria, maybe I'm not ready to be a father...

QUEEN SOLARIA: Of course you are ready!

KING FREDRICK: What makes you say that?

QUEEN SOLARIA: Remember the time when I was about to be crowned queen? I was so nervous of becoming the new queen of Elementia I ran to the courtyard. Everyone just stared and left me in the courtyard. But you, Fredrick, came after me and told me that," We're in this together. No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you."

King Fredrick took Solaria's words and put them into thought. He smiled and sat beside her.

KING FREDRICK: You're right, honey. We are in this together. From best friends, to lovers, to parents, and until our time has come. We will always be there for each other, no matter what.

Fredrick leaned towards Solaria and kissed her in the cheek.

Fredrick leaned towards Solaria and kissed her in the cheek

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NURSE: Your Majesty, we need to do a few


QUEEN SOLARIA: Oh no, no, it's alright! You can come in!

NURSE: Ok, and sorry for intruding a while ago your Highness.

KING FREDRICK: Don't mention it.
Anyways, I will get going now. Goodbye sweetheart.😘

QUEEN SOLARIA: See you later, dearie.

A few weeks later Fredrick and Solaria waited for their sextuplets to come. Solaria did all the prescriptions given from her doctor: eat a balanced diet, exercise frequently, etc. Until one faithful day...

Well, that's the end of chapter one! What did you guys think? And, I'm sorry for the bad grammar(or if there is). I'm still working on it.😊

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