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The ballroom packed. Tons of guests have arrived. Everyone was enjoying theirselves. Just then Queen Solaria got up from her seat with a goblet in her right hand and a spoon in her left hand.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Excuse me, may I have everyone's attention please.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Now, I would like to give out three toasts. First, to my to my husband, Fredrick. Fredrick honey, thank you for supporting me and being with me for all these years. All of this wouldn't happen without you.❤️

Everyone at the ballroom sighed with awe.

QUEEN SOLARIA: For my second toast, I would like to thank Doc. Casper and Nurse KK. It was so kind of you two to do take care of me and Fredrick 's children for the week. I really appreciate it.

NURSE KK: No problem your Majesty!😁

QUEEN SOLARIA: And for my last toast, I would like to thank Mary and Mason. You two have been so loyal to us, we couldn't do anything without you two.

KING FREDRICK: I agree. So let us raise our goblets and enjoy this special event. For Elementia!

CROWD: For Elementia! *clapping sounds are heard*

QUEEN SOLARIA: Let us dance to the music, everyone! Mistro!*music starts to play*

The music lasted all night long, and it seems that everyone is having a good- no, a grand time. And, for the honor of their children, Queen Solaria ordered a banner to be placed at the center of the room. This banner had the symbols of the elements: Light, Darkness, Fire, Water, Plants, and Animals. It was weaved by the craftiest weavers in the kingdom. It was carefully sewed, and so many people enjoyed looking at the beautiful banner. No one knew why the banner was based on the elements. People just thought the queen adored her surroundings. Most of them thought that these are related to the hobbies she loves to do. But no, that's not why. It's because her children are the elements. The Elements of Elementia.

Some time has passed, and most of the guests have left already

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Some time has passed, and most of the guests have left already. There was a lot of cleaning up to do back at the palace though. Even though there were maids and butlers, Queen Solaria was mopping the floors already. She just enjoyed doing this; it calms herself down.

MASON: Excuse me your Highness, I think you should be in bed by now.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Already? I just started!

MASON: Well your Highness I truly understand that you love the art of, um, le nettoyage(mopping) but, I think it's best if you have your beauty sleep, you know? So you can have that énergie (energy) you need for the next day.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Just this once Mason. I do really enjoy doing this.

MASON: And there is nothing I want more than to see my queen smile. *sigh* Alright, just this once. But may I remind you that we have to visit the village tomorrow about the problem concerning lait de chèvre.(goat milk)

QUEEN SOLARIA: Thank you, Mason.

MASON: No problem your Highness.

Mason left Queen Solaria to do her way of art called, le nettoyage. And while she was busy mopping, she danced like nobody was watching . She enjoyed it; it was like she had no care in the world. While she was dancing, she rendered one of her favorite songs her father, Sol, taught her.

QUEEN SOLARIA: *whispers* I love you, Dad.

MARY: That was beautiful, Ria.

QUEEN SOLARIA: M-Mary! Y-you didn't hear anything, did you?

MARY: Of course I heard you! That was amazing, Ria! Where did you get the song from?

QUEEN SOLARIA: It was my father's favorite song. He used to sing it to me and Lunita when we were little girls. I-I just miss him so much Mary.*sobs*

MARY: Don't cry, Ria! I' m sure he misses you too.

MARY: Don't cry, Ria! I' m sure he misses you too

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QUEEN SOLARIA: Th-Thank you, Mary.

MARY: Don't mention it;)

QUEEN SOLARIA: I better get going now. I'm sure Fredrick is looking for me. See you tomorrow, Mary.

MARY: See you tomorrow.

Solaria was walking towards her room feeling happy again. Although she missed her father, she had to stay positive and stand strong, whatever happens.

KING FREDRICK: Hello, honeybun. Ready for bed?

QUEEN SOLARIA: Well, not quite.Could we visit the children for a while Fredrick? We haven't even given their names yet!

KING FREDRICK : Alright. Let's go to their room and name them. Maybe we could sing them a lullaby.

QUEEN SOLARIA: That sounds delightful.

So they headed to the room of their children.
The room was decorated with a blue fabric spotted with white dots. There were two cribs and three babies were in each crib sleeping peacefully inside.

As soon as they were done naming them, Solaria sung a lullaby to them and then they went back to their room, drifting off too sleep.

Hey my lil' pups! I'm back! Sorry if this took so long. I was busy, and I had a hard time thinking about what should come next in this chapter. And well, here it is! The 4th chapter! It took me a while, but I managed. And yes, if you guys read it, King Sol died, but I'm not gonna spoil anything just yet! See you soon my lil' pups! :D

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