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It's been three days since the little "incident" back at the palace. Soldier could recall that time when she hypnotized Flame with a love spell so that he could activate his silly little powers, only to get someone hurt in return. It was totally worth it though, Soldier thought. She gave a slight giggle and snorted. She got up from a broken chair and crept into the dusty, filthy streets of her hometown. While she was passing through Pain Lane, she saw an acquaintance of hers, Shade Hunter. He wore a red vest that was covering his yellow T-shirt. He also wore some blue jeans that seemed worn-out from all the junk that he has been scavenging for food. He had a dusty hat on his head that was on top of his orange-brownish hair. He has chocolate brown eyes, and he wore a devilish grin on his face.

SHADE: And look who we have here. Soldier, my ol' friend. How ya doin' bud?

Friend? Oh, please. Shane is just an acquaintance of hers.

SOLDIER: That's none of your concern. Whatcha doin' here anyways?

SHADE: Oh, you know just hanging 'round. Waiting for a person to pass by and steal their property. Like this.

And with just a split of a second, Shade was holding Soldier's watch.

SOLDIER: Hey! Shade, give that back!

SHADE: Alright, alright. Chill, chill. Here's your old watch.

Shade threw it in the air but thankfully, Soldier caught it at the right time.

SOLDIER: Shade, careful. This was a gift from my mom. She'll kill me if she finds out I lost it.

In fact, that watch was the 2nd best gift that Soldier felt like keeping. The watch was black and it had a dragon picture on the inside. This was like the nicest thing that her mom ever did to her. Usually, Soldier's mom gives the weirdest gifts for her daughter. On Soldier's 6th birthday, her mom gave her a carton of expired milk. On her 8th birthday, she got dirty toe nail clip. On her 10th birthday, Soldier was expecting something filthy or disgusting, but instead her mother gave her an empty book, which also functions as her sketch book. Soldier was very fond of drawing ever since she was a little girl, so it was another gift that she felt like keeping. I mean, all she ever got from her mother was just junk from the garbage shard. There were no excuses for her mother to give junk to her own daughter. Which is why she takes great care for those two things, cause maybe something horrible will happen to her if her mother finds out that she lost—

SHADE: Yo, Earth to Soldier! Helloooo!

SOLDIER: I-I'm fine.

SHADE: You alright, bud? It seems like you were in a deep trance. Anything goin' on at your place?

SOLDIER: Oh, um, it's nothing. I should leave now.

SHADE: Ya sure? There's food shack near by. Wanna grab a snack?

SOLDIER: Um, no thanks. Mom's probably gonna ask me to do a favor for her anyways.

SHADE: M'kay. See 'round bud!

Shade walked backwards and crept into the shadows. That was his way of camouflage, or that's what Soldier thought. Running into Shade was not part of her little get away to her house. It was probably a waste talking to him anyways. Soldier skidded down the alleyways of Naughty Alley, making her way across the Valley of the Unfortunate. Wow. The names of these places  here sound stupidly annoying.'Seriously, whoever created the names of these places should be banished.

Just as she was passing by Gloom Lagoon, she noticed something. What's that bright light up in the sky? It looks like it's fading, sinking down into the watery lake. Soldier didn't care what it was. All she knew that it was beautiful, and that she couldn't look away.

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