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Inside Flame's room

FLAME: You may leave now, Mary.

MARY: As you wish, my prince.

AURA: Flame? Can I come in?

FLAME: Sure.

AURA: Listen, I have a plan to help you escape. So here's what we have to do-

FLAME: Don't bother. I'm don't need your help anymore.

AURA: But, why? You escape the palace very often. An now when I offer some assistance, you reject it? I just wanted to help.

FLAME: Listen, Aura. My days of stealing are over. I don't want to disappoint Mom and Dad again.

AURA: Then why did you steal in the first place?

FLAME: Sorry sis, I can't tell you.

AURA: C'mon, Flame. Don't you trust me?

FLAME: I'm sorry sis. I can't.

AURA: *sigh* Fine. I understand if it's personal. But, if you need someone to talk to, me and the others are right here for you. See ya later.*leaves*

FLAME: If they only knew...

Flame spent the rest of the day in his room. No one bothered to talk to him, not even his siblings. He just wanted to be alone. But, sadly his wish of having some quiet time turned into a big problem.

FLAME: It's so boring here...

Just then, a "door" popped in Flame's room. Coming out of it was a girl wearing a black hoodie and grey boots. It looks like she came from somewhere horrible, since her clothes are pretty dirty. She covered her eyes with a mask, and she looked pretty impatient.

??GIRL??: We meet again, small fry. Now where is it?

FLAME: I don't have it.

??GIRL??: What do you mean you don't have it!? I need that flower, now. You better not be tricking me, small fry.

FLAME: I told you, I don't have your dumb flower!

?? GIRL?? : Ugh, what are you even worth for? You can't do a simple task I ask you to do. I need that flower, now!

FLAME: Then why don't you get it yourself!?

??GIRL??: Don't tell what to do, small fry. Ugh, your so worthless! Listen, I'm coming back later on. You better find a way to get that flower. Or else.

FLAME: F-Fine. I'll get your dumb flower. Why do need it so much anyways?

??GIRL??: That's none of your business. You wouldn't understand anyways.

The mysterious girl goes through the "magical door" and enters to who-knows where.

FLAME: Stupid girl. Stupid job. Why did they chose me anyways?


FLAME: S-Sunshine! You didn't hear anything, did you...?

SUNSHINE: Don't worry Flame. I didn't hear a thing. I promise.

FLAME: O-ok then. W-why are you here anyways?

SUNSHINE: I just came to tell you that dinner is ready. But it seems that you have a problem if your own...

FLAME: A problem? What problem? I'm fine, Sunshine. You don't have to worry about me.

SUNSHINE: Are you sure?

FLAME: I'm absolutely sure. You can go ahead. I still have to change.

SUNSHINE: Okay then. Just tell me if you need anything and I'll-

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