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Hey there my lil' pups! Ready for chapter 3? I am, for sure. So let get to the story!

At the palace...

QUEEN SOLARIA: Fredrick? Fredrick darling? Where are you!?

MARY: Is there something wrong, your Highness?

QUEEN SOLARIA: Oh, Mary! I didn't see you there! What brings you here?

MARY: Well, I was cleaning the halls until I saw you looking for something-or someone. Who is it? Maybe I can help you!

QUEEN SOLARIA: Oh, I was just looking for Fredrick. Have you seen him, by the way? I need to talk to him. It's urgent.

MARY: Well, I saw him leave with Mason a while ago. I think they are going to another meeting.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Again? This is like the third week!

MARY: Are you alright, your Highness? You haven't been acting as yourself ever since your children were left at the hospital.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Oh. I-I'm fine-


QUEEN SOLARIA: *wakes up* Wh-What happened? Why am I in my room? Mary? What are you doing here?

MARY: W-well your Highness, you passed out in the hallway earlier. I panicked so I brought you to your room.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Thank you Mary. Is Fredrick still out on a meeting?

MARY: Yes my queen. He still hasn't returned yet.

QUEEN SOLARIA: A-alright then...You can go now Mary. I'm sure you have something to do right now.

MARY: Actually your Highness, I' m concerned about you. What's wrong? Is there something bothering you? Is it Fredrick?

QUEEN SOLARIA: Oh no! Me and Fredrick are fine!
It's just that...

MARY: Is this about the sextuplets?

QUEEN SOLARIA: What?! Of course not!

MARY: Your Highness, it's clear that you're lying.

Silence entered the room.

QUEEN SOLARIA: *sigh*  If that's what you want, then fine

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QUEEN SOLARIA: *sigh* If that's what you want, then fine. I'll tell you my problem.

QUEEN SOLARIA: You see Mary, I get rather nervous when Fredrick leaves the house.Sometimes, I just can't stop thinking of what will happen to him.

MARY: What do you mean? He is completely fine; nothing bad will happen to him.

QUEEN SOLARIA: I don't think so. Remember Lunita? She used to be so..so dark when she was a kid. And during my Coronation, I saw her running away....with tears in her eyes.

MARY: And why would she be the main reason of your worries?

QUEEN SOLARIA: Why do you think my sister was crying and running away from my Coronation?

MARY: Fair point. But, why would she run away from the palace? It's like a dream to be living here.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Well, in my opinion, I think it was my fault when Lunita ran away.

MARY: Your fault! How!? My queen, you are like the most incredible person I have ever met in my entire life! You built a sanctuary for the homeless! You created new spell that helped thousands of lives! So why would Lunita hate you?

QUEEN SOLARIA: I'm not quite sure exactly....

MARY: So you're not even sure if Lunita does hate you? Then why do you even have to worry?!

QUEEN SOLARIA: Mary, there is always something to worry about. If Lunita is still out there, my family is in great danger...

MARY: Now Ria, don't overreact. I'm sure everything is going to be fine. Right now, you have to focus on your children. You shouldn't worry.

QUEEN SOLARIA: Maybe your right, Mary. Maybe I shouldn't overreact. I should just focus on the kids.

MARY: That's my girl. Anyways. Fred is
coming any moment now; and the ball is about to start. Let's gets you dresssed, shall we?

Yay! We reached 45 readers! Thank you guys so much!❤️ I really appreciate the support! Anyways, I will be showing you guys some facts from the chapter that you guys read today:
1. 'Ria' and 'Fred' are the nicknames Mary(the maid) gave for Fredrick and Solaria.

2. Mary is one of the maids in the palace. She is also Solaria's personal assistant.

3. Mary will be one of the characters I will be using from now on.

So yeah! This is pretty much it😅. (To be honest I suck at explaining)

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