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It was a peaceful night at the palace. Everyone were in their bedrooms slumbering until the singing of the birds wakes them all up again. Well, not all of them. Coral was lying wide awake in her bed, waiting until the sun shows up. She was getting bored; even though she knew some ways to fall asleep doesn't mean she didn't try them. All she could do was to toss and turn in her bed, making the coverlets roll in any direction. It was boring, no one to talk to about the daily where a-bouts that has been happening during Science class. Then she remembered something: The lunar eclipse is going to start tomorrow night at exactly 10pm. Maybe I could do some research on it. That was it. The solution to her problem: research. Nothing tiers anyone like studying Science. Ok, maybe it can tier a few people, but not Coral. She's a lady of Science, or, at least that's what her siblings call her.

Coral got out from her bed and opened her bedroom door(carefully). She poked her head out to see if someone was there. Thankfully, there was no one. She crept out from her room and closed the door shut. She snuck through the empty hallways and headed to the palace library. On her way, she heard a snoring sound that wasn't far ahead.

CORAL: *whispers* Who could that be?

Coral followed the strange snoring sound 'til it led her to the palace ER.

CORAL: *whispers* Strange. Why would someone be in here?

Coral peeped through a small space that was open on the door. There she found the answer to the snoring sound: her sister Sunshine. Wow. She never knew that Sunshine was a snorer. And what is she doing here anyways? Shouldn't she be in her bed snuggled in like cheese in the bread? Coral closed the door quietly and tip-toed her way to the library.

After a little tip-toeing, Coral finally made it to the palace library. The doors were in plated in a brown color, probably made from tree bark. There was a symbol on the door, resembling the shape of a flower. This was not just any flower, it was Elementia's national flower: the Moonflower. It resembled the former princess Lunita. Coral was very curious of what had happened to her. Every time she asked her parents or any of the other palace servants about her (or mention her name), they would just shake their head or give her the silent treatment. Coral is very curious about what had happened along time ago, all the time, but now she doesn't seem to care about it. All she wanted to do was to study about the upcoming lunar eclipse, and that was it. She looked around to make sure that no one was there, and then she turned to the door. But when she tried to open the door...

CORAL: Aw, c'mon! *covers mouth* Opps.

SUNSHINE: Coral? What are you doing up so late?

CORAL: Gaaah!Sunshine! I thought you were sleeping in the ER!

SUNSHINE: Ssshhh. *whispers* I was until I heard you. What are you doing here?

CORAL: *whispers* I was trying to open this door. Apparently, I can't because Mason probably locked it.

SUNSHINE: *whispers* I see. What book are you looking for?

CORAL: *whispers* How did you-

SUNSHINE: *whispers* I know a lot about you, Coral. You like to read. So, what we're you looking for?

CORAL: *whispers* Let's talk about this inside my room.

SUNSHINE:*whispers* Ok!

In Coral's room

SUNSHINE: So, the book you're looking for is a book about space?

CORAL: Not just space, Sunshine. That book holds the key facts about the our realm and it's source and of magic.

SUNSHINE: I see. Do you think it has to deal with our powers?

CORAL: ...I never really thought about that.

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