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This chapter was inspired by Disney's "Aladdin".

13 years later

It's another day in the kingdom of Elementia. The sun is shining,the birds are singing their songs of joy, and every citizen of the kingdom were greeting each other a good morning. It seems that everyone is having a pleasant morning. Until...

MERCHANT: Get back here you scoundrel! You still haven't payed yet!

??BOY??: You have to catch me first!

GUARD 1:Quick! Get him!

There he goes again. That masked thief. No one knew for sure who he was, not the merchants and the lawyers, not the mothers and the fathers, nor the queen or the king. All they knew is that he's a thief, a really, really, annoying thief. The guards have been tracking him for 6 days so far, and the merchants and the store owners are starting to suspect on who that kid might be.

??BOY??: Haha! You can't catch me!😝

The boy ran as fast as lightning. The guards couldn't catch up with him. And with just a split of a second, he disappeared.

GUARD 1: We lost him!

GUARD 2: What are we supposed to tell the queen now, General?

GENERAL: We can't stop searching for the young lad. We have to keep looking. He's around here somewhere. I can feel it.

The General was right. That boy is around here somewhere....

??BOY??: Phew. They lost us, Earl. There's no way they can find us now-

AURA: Flame? Is that you?

FLAME: A-Aura? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Mom and Aspen back at the palace?

AURA: Same goes with you! I thought you were with Dark and Coral back at palace library studying for our school project!

FLAME: Fine. You got me. But right now, we gotta go somewhere safe.

AURA: Since when did you care about being safe?

FLAME: Ever since its none of your business. Now c'mon. Let's get out of here.

AURA: Oh no. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going o-

GUARD 3: Look! There he is! And he's got princess Aura!

GENERAL: Let's move!

AURA: On the other hand, I think we should get out of here!

FLAME: My exact thought. Follow my lead.

Flame and Aura broke for a run. Along the way, Aura started asking questions.

AURA: Ok Flame, tell me. What's going on? Why are you here? Have you been stealing from the merchants and store owners? *gasps* Your the thief, aren't you? And, is that Earl? Why is my pet chameleon with you?! Is he your partner in crime or something?

FLAME: I promise you, I'll explain everything once we're safe, ok? Right now, it's not a good time to ask questions.

AURA: But, how are we going to get pass the guards?!

FLAME: Watch and learn, sis.

Flame jumped off a bridge and dove straight into the water below. The guards didn't see him, and they thought he drowned in the water. So the general told some of them to go back to the palace and report to the queen of what has happened while the other party shall search for princess Aura.

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