Marry Him

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"Why would you say that?" They had been thorough. Hadn't they? She looked at him, debating. Honestly, she was kind of annoyed. She didn't owe him an explanation. He should just accept her rejection of his offer and that should be the end of it. But she did have compassion for his position so she decided to try and reason with him and show him why he needed to find another candidate.

"Sir, if your background check was thorough at all you would know I have a history of mental health problems. I was raised in an abusive environment. I have C-PTSD. Sometimes because of my past I have problems interacting with straight men. I have anxiety issues. Do you know how long of a pep talk I gave myself before coming here? I act fine but meeting a man alone for an interview is very stressful for me."

"You've attended therapy and from your various social media postings I can tell you have a good attitude towards life. Everyone has a past, Ms. Y/LN. My boys teach people to accept their pasts. If anything, how you've handled it makes you an even better candidate." He tried a different tactic. "What's the thing you desire the most in the world? The thing you can't live without." She gave him a serious look.

"Freedom. And marriage is slavery. So you see the problem."

"All you'd literally have to do is sign a paper. This is a marriage on paper, to protect Jungkook's family while he continues to live his life. Nothing about your life would change if you didn't want it to."

"That still doesn't give me an incentive to do anything for you."

"Well.....your parents were in a cult. A cult that values marriage. I know you still keep up with your family. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say you've fulfilled their criteria for a successful life without all the trappings they add to it?" Her eyebrows shot up.

"Wow, you really have looked into me." He spread his hands and shrugged slightly.

"I'm desperate."

"While it would be nice to not be nagged every time I go back home, the reality is that I've accepted that that's how it will be. I'm mentally prepared and I really don't care what my family thinks about my love life."

"Well...." Think, PD! Think! "You want to stay in Korea, right? Jungkook's a Korean national. Marriage to him puts you on an easier path to a longer visa. You have lots of hobbies, you listed them in the questionnaire you filled out and talk about them on your SNS. Graduate school? It's paid for. Once your teaching contract for this year is up BigHit will provide you with yearly income you can use to continue to pursue your hobbies. You won't have to work if you don't want to." She opened her mouth and he knew she probably had some other objection. She was going to say she'd rather earn those things herself.

"Y/N, please." To her complete shock he slowly got down on his knees in front of her. "I need you to help me. I know there's really no incentive I can give you, you'll find a way to reject all of them. So please, please, please, then just do it out of the goodness of your heart. Give me time to see what I can do with the contract we signed with Dispatch. I'm rushed right now. I need time. I can play this man's game but right now he has the upper hand. If I can work it, down the road, I'll see what I can do about a divorce. Just please, please, help me. I saw on one of your posts that you said BTS's music has really helped you and encouraged you. If it's done anything for you then please, help my boys out, help Jungkook out, for everything they've done for you. Buy me time. Help me protect him."

This time she didn't say anything. She was not the kind of person you could bribe. But appeal for help, appeal to her sense of compassion? PD has found her weakness. And everything he had said was true. She turned back and leaned her forehead against the door, sighing with the heaviness of her thoughts.

"How long?"

"I don't know yet."

"Okay." it was so faint, if he hadn't been straining his ears to hear it he'd have missed it.

Thank god.

Y/N walked out of the office with mixed feelings. She was married. Bang PD had had the contract all ready to go, he wasn't going to give her the chance to change her mind. The only thing she said when she left was,

"When he asks why, just tell Jungkook I need to be able to tell my dad I have a husband."

She was married. She was in disbelief. Curse her and her propensity to help others out.

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