You Can Call Me Jungkook (16 +)

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Y/N ran her hand through her hair once and leaned forward, towards the embarrassed girl sitting in front of her.

"It's real, honey. Get over it. He likes intelligent women who don't need blackmail to get what they want." She hissed, death in her eyes. The girl leaned back, terrified. Even her father was feeling a little scared. Y/N looked at him.

"I know why she's here. I'm not an idiot. But I warn you. He's mine. Need more convincing? Do you need to watch me take him on the table?" Jungkook and Bang PD both choked and Jungkook hurriedly crossed his legs and hunched himself forward, trying to be as small as possible. Sex sounded great in theory but he didn't know if he could handle it in public for his first time, especially by someone like Y/N. He was starting to wonder if Bang PD knew what he'd gotten them both into. His mind fantasized about sex with her. His mind was also terrified by the idea that it could literally be about to happen....and he would have no idea what to do....

Then just like that Y/N's face relaxed and she sat back, smiling slightly. She patted Jungkook's thigh and he blushed yet again. Inside she was shaking and just wanted to escape. But smooth, smooth...

"Babe, I think we've done what we came to do. Let's leave the adults to iron out the kinks." She looked at Bang PD for consent and he nodded dumbly, still not believing that the woman who had protested furiously in his office yesterday had just made out in front of multiple people with his son.

Y/N took Jungkook's hand in her own and gently guided him up. He felt overwhelmed and slow, bowing a little late to everyone and then almost tripping over his own feet as he hurried after her like a little puppy.

What on earth....

The elevator doors closed and Y/N instantly dropped his hand and covered her face, to his complete surprise.

"Oh my god, I am so, so sorry." What? Huh? "I didn't know what else to do to convince them. I didn't have time to think of anything else. I'm so sorry, Mr. Jeon." She gave him a deep bow and stepped to the other side of the elevator, her face now looking flushed.

In actuality, she felt embarrassed. She couldn't believe she'd had the guts to do that. She felt proud of herself for following through on the job. She hoped it was good enough. This was what they'd wanted right? But she couldn't believe she'd touched and let a man touch her like that. Disgusting. She was disgusting. She couldn't believe herself. Old teachings from her past flooded her mind and she felt that familiar sense of shame creep over her skin.

"I-It's Jungkook." He snapped her out of her thoughts, his mind slowly coming back to him. He blinked at her. She looked just as embarrassed as him. It made him feel a little better.


"You just threatened to have sex with me in front of other people on a table. You can call me by my given name." Despite how he felt he chuckled a little at the whole situation. His hyungs would laugh at him if they knew...

Yeah, he wasn't going to tell them. She covered her face again and mumbled an apology but stopped when the elevator hit the lobby floor and quickly stepped back to his side, face smooth and serious. Yet another thing for his mind to attempt to process, her duality.

There was a guard who bowed when they exited and both walked quickly towards the doors, wanting to get away and out of here. Jungkook reached out to push the door open but was jerked back by Y/N's hand. She'd had a thought. She just wanted to get out of here but she also wanted to make sure BigHit would be satisfied with the job she'd done. And she'd seen the camera positioned above the elevator. She really didn't like that girl in there and she wanted to leave her scarred for life. Jungkook turned back to see why he'd been stopped.

"I'm sorry." He heard the words but didn't comprehend their meaning until he felt her lips on his again. And just like that....he forgot about the guard, he forgot about the driver waiting within viewing of the glass doors, he forgot about everything but the newly awakened hunger he felt growing inside him. This time he was more confident, kissing back, passionately. She'd given him plenty of practice just a few minutes ago. Y/N's arm wrapped around his neck. For her, she was positioning her hand so the camera would get a clear view of the middle finger she was shooting it. But for Jungkook, she was suddenly everything. All he saw was her, all he smelled was her, all he felt was her. He felt like his skin was burning, all he could think about was the heat.

Y/N's lips parted from his. She'd done what she'd wanted to do. She was hoping Jungkook was happy with the show she'd put on. She didn't realize....she gasped in surprise when his arms came around her tightly and he dipped her back slightly, giving him better access to her mouth. Startled, she grabbed the back of his shirt, holding herself up and allowing him to let go.

"Don't stop." His voice was low and husky, pleading. "Please don't stop." Before she knew what was happening his lips were on hers again and his hands were on her hips, backing her up against the door. It opened and he just kept pushing until it was halfway and stopped. She felt his body against hers. He didn't care anymore, he felt like he'd completely lost his mind. His lips slid off hers and he buried his face in her neck and ground into her. She felt his hot breath on her neck and then...his shaky moan.

Y/N's mind was spinning. Her body wanted the pleasure. It wanted one thing. But her mind was screaming. It was dangerous to get involved with a man like this. And if there was anything she was, it was in control. Always.

But right now Jungkook wasn't. His hips moved of their own accord, rolling on hers as he moaned over and over. He didn't know where he was, he just knew that he had never felt pleasure like this before.

"Jungkook. Jungkook." She whispered, trying her hardest to stay focused and not get lost in the sensations he was creating. It was very flattering to have one of the hottest men in Korea drooling over you and begging for you but this couldn't happen.

"Oh my god." He whimpered, completely overwhelmed, letting his head fall back as he humped her again. Her hands came up and grabbed the sides of his head, forcing him to look at her with a slightly dazed expression on his face.

"Jungkook. Stop." She whispered firmly. It took everything she had to say that to him with the look he was giving her. But it didn't matter how either of them felt in the moment. In the end he was a man and this was something she was resolved to never do with a man. "We need to go." His eyes widened slightly as she pushed him back. With the loss of contact his awareness came back slightly.

"Oh god..." He looked at her to see if she was mad. He had completely lost himself. He'd imagined, he'd dreamed, but actually feeling these things in person....all he'd been able to think about was having them....

"Come on." She gently grabbed his hand and led them out of the building, head firmly down. Jungkook hadn't realized it was possible to get redder but when he saw their driver and knew the man had seen everything....

His head was spinning. Once again they sat on opposite sides of the car. Neither talked to the other the whole ride. Both were blushing furiously and both had no idea what to think about what they'd just done.

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