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~Before Sirius was sent to Azkaban and James and Lily are still alive~

"James! My old friend!" yelled a male, with neck wavy length hair, that's a mixture of brown and black. Along, with a mustache. "Padfoot?" Another male, known as James, says, as he comes over to 'Padfoot,' known as Sirius. "What are you doing here?" James questions Sirius, making said male smile happily. "Well, I thought you want to meet your godson~" Sing-sang Sirius, as James looks out the door, and indeed, he sees a woman, coming, and carrying a bundle of blue blankets.
"Lup!" Lily, a red head woman, yells, running over to 'Lup,' a raven-black haired woman. "Lily! It's so good to see you!" Lup says, as she carefully runs over, with the bundle of blue blankets. Lily, coming to a stop in front of the black haired, smiled down at the 2 month year old boy. "Is this (M/N)?" Lily questions Lup. Smiling proudly, Lup yells out a, 'Yes sere-re Lily!' Shacking her head, Lily says to follow her, nodding along, Lup followed Lily into her house, leaving the two dads by themselves.
~With Sirius and James~
"Do you think young Padfoot, will have his dad's Animagus?" James says, to Sirius. "I feel like he will have both mine and my wife's Animagus form." Sirius says back, looking at James, smirking. Noticing the smirk, James questions him. "Oh, what about little Harry? Pretty sure he might not get your Animagus~" Teased Sirius. Making James snort. "Harry is only a month old, unlike your furred baby, he is a very good baby." Making, this time, Sirius snort. "My kid already behaves like a k-nine! Meaning, if Harry ever does get your Animagus, he will be the prey, and my son the predator!" Examined Sirius.
"Acting like a k-nine? Wow, when he grows up, he must start acting like you, stealing the girls hearts~" James tells him, making Sirius smile proudly. "Pretty sure Harry will be a seeker though." Sirius tells him, making James nod his head. "And yours a chaser?" Smirking, James taunts. laughing, the two old friends talk, but also wondering what their wives are up too.
~With Lily and Lup~
"Can you believe that we both have kids now Liles?" Lup says to her, as she watch both Harry and (M/N) played around in Harry's pin. "Yeah, and they're both boys! Think about it, what if they both have Sirius's and James's personality?" Lily questions, making them both cringe, thinking that these two will cause mischief together. "Well, let's hope they have our personality too!" Lup says, making Lily giggle. "You know, Harry has your lovely eyes Lily." Lup complements. "Aww thank you! (M/N) seems to have your eyes, with a hint of grey in them." Lily, also complements, making Lup chuckle. "Thank you, and by the way, (M/N) seems to be behaving like a k-nine now, marking his territory, and biting Sirius the most." Lup says, making Lily burst out laughing.
"I can imagine Sirius yelling, "AHHH MY HAIR! LUPPPPP! HELP MEEEE HE'S BITING MY HAIR!!!" after Lily finished saying that, Lup burst out laughing, making Lily laugh too. Both Harry and (M/N) looked up, and saw both their mothers rolling on the floor, laughing. Giggling, both babies started reaching out to there respected mother. Making them both 'aww' at the cute sight. Laughing little bit, Lup goes over to (M/N) and picks him up, Lily doing the same to Harry.
Going back downstairs, they both saw their husband wrestling on the ground, making Lily roll her eyes, and Lup cough. Making both Marauders stop and look up, only to see their wives and sons looking at them. "Uhhhh, we can explain....?" James says, even though it sounds like a question. "Oh, do please dear, explain to us what your doing?" Lily says sarcastically, making Sirius snicker and James gulp. "Well, Lily, dear friend, we were arguing about who's son is better." Sirius tells them, making, once again, roll their eyes. "Oh Sirius sweetie, we all know Remus's kid would be better." Lup says, making them gasp in fake horror.
Seeing their fathers faces, Harry started laughing, and (M/N) gave a bark of laughter. Making both Lily and James to turn and look at his parents. "Told you he's starting to act like a k-nine." Sirius says, breaking the silence. "Well, we should be going home right now, right Sirius?" Lup says, making her husband chuckle. "Alright honey," turning to James he says, "Good day Prongs, well see each other later on, alright?" Sirius says, giving a bro hug to James. "Yeah, don't worry Padfoot, we will." Prongs says to Padfoot.
"I loved our stay Lily, but we have to go, before this one starts to whine." Lup says, as she points to Sirius when she says, 'When this one starts to whine,' with Sirius not noticing. Giggling, Lily says, "You too, hope we see each other soon enough." Smiling, they went in for a hug, and when they parted, they noticed Harry and (M/N) giving a hug to each other. James, brining out a camera, captured this moment.
As the Potter's lead the Black's outside and said their farewells, they didn't know this will be their last farewell to their good friends and husband.
~October 31, 1981~
"Sirius is it wise to follow Peter?" Lup questions her husband, as he's heading out the door. "That damn rat gave Lily and James location! And I want him dead cause of it." Growled Sirius, as he opens the door and ready's to head out the door. "Sirius.." his wife says, making him look back, and sees her, along with his son. Walking up to him, she kisses him passionately, breaking the kiss, Sirius looks at his 5 month old son, giving a kiss on his head, Sirius says to him, "Protect your mother, and remember, I love you my little wolf." Looking at his wife, he hugged both of them, saying 'I love you,' to each other.
"Be back, you hear?" Lup says, wiping her tears. Smiling softly, Sirius says, "Always." and leaves.

The next day, Lup was looking at the Daily Prophet, and when she look at the head line, her heart stopped, on the head lines, where,

ON OCTOBER 31, 1981
Dread entered her body, once she finds out that she is now a single mother, her husband is sent to Azkaban, and needs to explain to her son why his father isn't here.

I hope you guys like this! Sorry if they're a little oc but I tried my best.
(M/N) is a male if you didn't notice, and Lup means Wolf in Romanian
Bye peps!

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