Diagon Alley

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The next day for the Black's was wonderful, today (M/N) is excited! Why? Because his mother is taking him to get his school supplies from Diagon Alley. Getting dressed in a black hoodie, with a white wolf howling into the blood red moon, rip jeans, and some combat boots. With his (H/C) hair messy, completed the look.

Satisfied with how he looks. He opened his door, and walked down the stairs, already seeing his mother getting the key for Gringotts. Smiling at her son, Lup went over and grabbed some Floo Powder, both mother and son went to the chimney, "Now (M/N)," his mother began, "Floo Powder is easy to understand." She stated as she began to walk over to the chimney, "All you have to do is go inside and say "Diagon Alley," loud and clear, ok little pup?" She explained, as (M/N) nodded his head. "Ok. now you go." Going over to were his mother is, he grabbed some Floo Powder that was next to her, going inside the chimney, (M/N) said, "Diagon Alley." And poof, green flames ingulf his entire figure, till there was nothing left. 

"Oh Sirius," Lup says, as tears began to fall, "Our little pup is growing up, going to Hogwarts already." With that, she wiped her tears, and gave a smile. "I hope he understands about your situation." Grabbed the Floo Powder, and did what she told her son. "Diagon Alley." And the same green flames engulfed her figure, until there was no more of her.

~Diagon Alley~

(M/N) didn't move from the very spot where he was transported. He rather not face his mother angry wrath. Sitting comfortably, he waited, until he heard a child-like voice. "Hey mister?" Came from his right, as he turned and saw, a girl, probably a year younger than him, looking at him with her bright green eyes. Looking at her, he noticed she had shoulder-length hair, and had a normal shade of pale skin. Looking at her straight in the eyes, (M/N) answered, "Yes?" with a head tilt that we see with adorable puppies.

"My parents left me here, can I stay with you?" She questioned, as he was about to respond, he heard his mother's voice, "(M/N)? Where are you!?" Still looking at the girl, he yelled out, "Over here mum!" Hearing footsteps, his mother came into view, the girl, taking notice of the female, walked over to her. "Can I stay with you? My parents left me?" the little girl ask his mother, the same question. "Where are they little one?" His mother questioned her. "They said to leave and never come back." She replied back. "What's your name?" questioned (M/N). "Monster." she replied calmly.

Both Black's stared wide-eyed at the girl. "No, we need to give you a better name." Lup says, as she holds her hand for 'Monster' to hold onto as they walk to Gringotts. "What name do you have miss?" She questioned, looking at her. "I got it!" yelled (M/N) attracting some unwanted attention.

"Look, it's the murder's son." "I can't believe they let him roam around in the open." "Is he going to kill us mommy?" "They should lock him up." "Yeah! he's a danger to the wizarding and muggle society!" "Murder." "Orphan." "Mutt." ." "Yeah! he's a danger to the wizarding and muggle society!" "Murder." "Orphan." "Mutt."

Tears, began to prickle in (M/N)'s eyes, as he began to listen to the comments. "HEY!" a young voice yelled, hearing it, (M/N) looked around, but only to find the girl, looking red in the face. "Stop saying those mean words! It's making you the monster instead!" With that, the crowd began to quiet down, making Lup grab her son's hand and lead them to Gringotts.
"Ok, you two stay right here, I'm going inside to get the money, alright?" Lup says, as she began to walk inside of Gringotts. "So, what's the new name you were going to say." 'Monster' said to (M/N), making him gasp and smile at her. "I was thinking of the name Loki, you know the Norse god of Mischief?" (M/N) told her, making her cry. Panicking, (M/N) started to question her why she's crying. "You and your mother have been so nice to me, and your giving me a name." Bringing her into his arms, (M/N) began to pat her back, until she calmed down. She did, only for her to have hiccups.

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