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As they entered November, the weather turned very cold. The mountains around the school became icy gray and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost.
(M/n) shuddered at the memory of last night, when Hermione stop him from going any further to the Slytherin common room.


"Damn it, I better hurry before I'm caught by one of the stupid Perfects." (M/n) mumbled, as he speed-walk down the dungen, not noticing a busy haired witch there. As he pass the corner, a small hand quickly grabbed his hand, and pushed him up the wall. Grunting, he thought it was Thor, but no, it was Hermione.

"What.Was.That." She said, in a slow yet, low voice. "I turned into my Anamigus little Lion cub." (M/n) said back, with his signiture wolfish smirk. "We aren't even soupposed to learn that spell till later on the year!" Hermione whispered shouthed, trying not to get the attention of the possibly awake Slytherins.

"Aww, is the little Lioness jealous that I learned a hard spell before her?" He teased, as he brought his face closer to her, not minding the blush she had. "You wish you snake." She growled, as she glared hard, but that isn't really making her any less scary. "Aww, it doesn't seem you can scare me little lioness." (M/n) said, as he brought his face closer to her.

And it seemed like fate didn't like nitehr of them because Draco walked around the corner, but stopped because of the scene in front of him. It seemed like (M/n) was kissing Hermione. "The bloody hell did I walk into?" He said, making the two to sepreate.

Hermione, with a big blush on her face, punch (M/n) in the gut, then push pass Draco. With Draco glaring at her, as she leaves. "Don't be jealous Draco! You can have a kiss too~" (M/n) teased, as the ferret turned to him, and blushed a really bright red. "Shut it you mutt! Like I ever want a kiss from you!" He yelled as he rush pass him, and went back into the common room.

~Flashback ends~

Ahh yes, the last part with Draco was lovely, but the first part with Hermione wasn't, gah! Was that girl scary when she wants too. What surprised (M/n) was when Professor Snape walked passed, but the thing is, he was limping. Shaking his head, he went back to eating, but he keep an eye on his professor, because he seems to be talking to Scar head, period blood, and busy head. Rolling his eyes, (M/n) noticed how everyone was talking about the big Quidditch game. 

Slytherin Vs Gryffindor. Now (M/n) was excited, yes, he may seem he isn't excited, but he is.

Now all he has to do was wait till the game begins, which is tomorrow. "Five Galleons that Slytherin wins tomorrow." A oh so familiar voice says. "Alright, six galleons that Gryffindor wins, cause I don't want to be in the same team as you." (M/n) responded back, looking to his right, and see the blond, almost white haired ferret.

"Okay! Let's see if your gonna win Black." Malfoy says, as he stood up and left.

"*Scoff* Stupid cum dumpster."

~The next day~

The next morning dawned very bright and cold. The Great Hall was full of the delicious smell of fried sausages and the cheerful chatter of everyone looking forward to a great Quidditch match.
"Ready to lose black?" said the cum dumpster. "Yes, and are you ready to be my cum dumpster?" (M/n) responded back, making Malfoy blush bright red.
Standing up, (M/n) walked away, snickering at the thought of Malfoy's face right now.

~When the game started~

(M/n) didn't really feel like going to the game, he felt very sick, wanting to throw up. "Ughh, I gonna sleep." (M/n) said, as darkness clouded his mind.


There, there was flames and buildings calapising around the area. Looking at his hands, he notice them bigger, confusion was written on his face, when he notice blotches of red on them. Looking around, he noticed everyone, some older and some newer, running around, spell after spell, green, red, and many different clolors flew around.

Walking over to a person, he tap them on the shoulder, noticing how the person tense up, but relaxed when he saw it was just a student. "W-what d-day is it? A-and wh-hats h-happening?" (M/n) shuttered, with his voice raspy and all. Disbelief was written on the persons face, "It's May 2nd, and right now..." The person pause, looking around then back at (M/n), "It's the battle of Hogwarts..." Then fired a spell to someone right behind him.

Stubling, (M/n) saw Loki hugging Harry, not seeing his mother around. But this Harry and Loki seemed......different?.....Like they're older..? "HARRY WATCH OUT!" The fimilar voice of his mother yelled, when she rushed forward, and blocked a spell form hitting Harry and Loki. 

"MOM!" The screech of Loki yelled, noticing how their mother wasn't breathing. "You...YOU LITTLE BLOODY MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!" Loki yelled towards the woman, firing spell after spell. "Well well well, seems to me that the Balck family is dying." The woman says, smiling unholy.

Angered was starting to boil his body, as (M/n) yelled out, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" The same time the woman yelled out. The spell indeed hit both their targets, but.....Loki died......

"Loki......" The soft sound of (M/n)'s voice snapped everyones head towards him. Softy walking to her, and his mother, he kneeled down, and look at both their pale faces. How his mothers hair wasn't the lovley black it was, no, it was a snowy white now. And how Loki's hair seemed to be longer. (M/n) wept, weeping at the death of the people he loved the most.

"(M-M/n), I-I'm sorry." The voice of Harry says, as he hugged the weeping Black.
"They're dead, just like that..." (M/n) almost like whisper says, as this broke Harry's heart.

~Dream ended~

Jumping up, (M/n) noticed the tears stain still streaming down his face, "What a fucking dream.." He mumbled, as he closed his eyes again.

Sorry if this doesn't seem to be involve into the chapter, but hey! I Hope you guys like it! Also watched Hobbs and Shaw today! Good movie! Bye peps!

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