The Mirror of Erised

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Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The lake froze solid and the Weasley twins were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they followed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban. Which (M/n) laughed at, cause he feels funny about that Turban. The owls that managed to battle their way through the stormy sky to deliver mail had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid before they could fly off again.

No one can wait for the holidays to start. While the Slytherin commons rooms have been getting warmer, and the Great Hall had roaring fires, everywhere else had became icy, and a bitter wind rattled the windows in the classrooms. For most people, Professor Snape's classroom, down in the dungeons, was colder than others, because you can see your breath rise into a mist before the.

"I do feel sorry," said Draco, one day in Potions class, "for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home." He looks at Harry when saying this. Crabbe and Goyle chuckled. Rolling his eyes, (M/n) sighed heavily, because he was next to the white ferret. "Now now Draco," (M/n) began, gaining the attention of people before him, "At least they won't have to deal with your bunkum." he stated, using a word they haven't even heard. "What does bunkum bloody means?" Ron says harshly. "Means rubbish cluck." (M/n) says making Ron go red in the face.

As the day went on, (M/n) sighed in relief when he heard that Thor, who hated his guts for some reason, was going to stay for Christmas also. Snape have come before the week, before hand, giving a list on who's staying and who's going, Surprise surprise, all the Slytherins are going home. Sighing once more, (M/n) went to his shared room and laid down, his owl, a barn owl named Legolas, has swoop down and gave a nip on his ear. "Well Legolas, guess who's going back home tomorrow? Humm? Us that's right." Petting his owls head, (M/n) heard the door open, quickly turning his head, (M/n) only relax a little bit. 'It's only Draco,' he thought, 'But why the living hell is he here?'

And indeed was it a mystery, because Draco wasn't with his thickheaded morons. "Draco? Why are you here?" (M/n) questioned, making Draco turn his head to the side. "What? Is it bad that I came to MY bedroom?" He utters to him, giving him a sharp glare. "Ahh, no, just wondering were your thickheaded body guards are at.." He mutters. Making eye contact with Draco, he noticed how a bright red blush was covering his face.

Huffing, Draco made his way over, and when he came close enough, he jumped on (M/n), making said male to grunt on the extra weight that was put on him. "Why the hell are you bloody jumping on me?" (M/n) questioned, only to hear bits of grumbles coming from the smaller male. "Well? Does it look like I can hear you?" He states sarcastically. "I said, 'I want some cuddles.'" Draco yelled at him, having to pout because the bigger male can't hear him. Rolling his eyes, he brought Draco next to him, wrapping his lanky arms around him. "Sleep~" (M/n) said creepily.

~The day they go home for Christmas~

When they made it to the train(Lol sorry), Hermione was quick enough to kidnap (M/n) before Draco's crew can noticed, was surprisingly good. Holding onto his wrist tightly, she brought him into an almost empty comportment, almost because sweet little Neville was there, and basically threw him in.

"Now, you will tell me how and why you turned into a black wolf." She threateningly, causing Neville go wide eyed and (M/n) give a bark of a laugh. "NOW..." Hermione said, bringing out her wand. "OK! OK! God damn women." (M/n) mutters, before taking a deep breath.

"My mother wanted me to be advanced, so I can be better than everyone else." He said innocently. "W-wait.....w-wolf?" A shaky voice said, making them both snap their heads at the red faced Neville. "I'm an Animagus Neville, Hermione." He said, making them both nod, one more nervous than the other. Both mouthing an 'o.'

"Thank you for answering my question (M/n), good day gentlemen." And with that, she got up and left.

Chuckling, (M/n) looked over and saw Neville looking at him too, and when he got caught, he turned blush red. " are you?" And with that, they both started talking, wanting to leave and go home.

~When the arrived King Cross~

'Now, where can I find a loud ass mother and a fucking stabbing sister?' (M/n) thought, only to feel someone stabbing them, 'Never mind, found them.' "LOKI! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT STABBING YOUR BROTHER?" A voice screamed, making everyone turned to look at the person who screamed, then to the two kids, one stabbing her brother innocently, while the one being stabbed has a poker face, not minding the blood flowing down lightly.
Panting slightly, Lup grabbed Loki and (M/n) and disapparate.

~At Home~

"What did I tell you about stabbing your brother?" "To not stab him.." "And why did you do it?" "Because I wanted too...."

(M/n) snorted, thinking this was funny. "Well, since it's Christmas Eve, I want you too to at least be decent, I'm going old cause of the stress." Lup said, only to have her kids to start calling her oldie. "Shut up! And go to your rooms! Sleep while your at it, cause tomorrow is Christmas, you two want to open your presents now?" Lup questioned, making them both nod. Laughing, she patted their heads and with that, both rushed up towards their rooms.
"Ahhh, Sirius, how much I miss you...." Lup said, smiling sadly.


Ahh, Christmas day, what a lovely day, only if you don't have two murderous children.....that is?


Yes yes, Lup is going old cause of those two.

"Now, who wants to open your presents?" Lup questioned, making them both stop, and hurry downstairs. "HURRY UP MOM!" Both shouted, eagerly, making her giggle at them.

"Open mine little wolf." His mother said, making him nod and smile. Grabbing the black and (F/c) wrapping paper, he ripped it open, and out came a brand new Nimbus 2000. Mouth wide open, he jumped up and gave her a big hug. Walking back to his sister, they both grabbed a black and yellow wrapping paper, and gave it to their mother. "Here," Loki began, "Open it." (M/n) finished.

Smiling, she took the poorly made wrapping paper and when she got her present, she gasp, it was a necklace, but she noticed you can open it, and she opened it, and gasp in surprise, inside it had her and her husband they ripped out a photo of him, on the other side, it had both of them. Smiling with tears streaming down her face, she grabbed them and said 'thank you's' over and over again.

"Here brother, this is for you!" Loki said cheerfully, giving (M/n) a green and gold wrapping paper. Humming, he grabbed it and opened it, and inside was a green snake. Smiling happily, he brought it out and admired it, one thing led to another, because the snake transformed back into Loki, and she yelled, "MBLERGH IT'S ME!" And stabbed (M/n).

With there mother yelling in shock, while (M/n) groaned in pain, with Loki laughing madly.

Yes, what a lovely Christmas the Blacks are having....


There you are my lovely peps! Hope you like this even though it's not part of the story.

And I have two other stories, they're one shots, both about Harry Potter and The Hobbit.

Hope you liked this and bye peps!

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