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~May 2, 1991~

"Master Black." A old looking elf said, this elf is not an ordinary looking elf, like in the Hobbit. This elf is small, having wrinkles all over his face and body. The only this he is wearing is a old looking shirt. "Master, Mistress Black is commanding Kreature to wake up young Mr. Black." The elf known as Kreature said to the body under the blankets. "Ughh, tell my mother five more minutes Kreature? Please?" A muffled voice said under the blanket. Tching, Kreature tried, once again, to wake him up.
"Mistress Black has a surprise for young Mr. Black." Once that being said, made the boy spring up from bed. Looking at the elf, who is glaring lightly at him, the young lad smiled happily. "It's my birthday!" He yelled out, making Kreature sigh and grumble under his breath. "Is young Mr. Black awake now?" Kreature says to him. Nodding, the boy got off his bed, and running out of his room, leaving the grumpy house elf to clean up his bed.
A young woman, no older than her mid-thirties, was standing over the oven. This lady has raven-black hair, that falls to her mid-back, her eyes, were a beautiful shade of brown. Her skin tone was a lovely shade of olive. Her name was Lup Black, wife to the "criminal" Sirius Black, and has a wonderful, but handful son named (M/N) Black.
When she noticed the cake to be finished, she smiled, and pulled it out, leaving it on the counter, so it can cool off. She couldn't be any happier, it's her first born birthday! She wanted him to happy, before getting his letter. Lup started to think, 'Will her son get bullied or pick on if anyone knew his dad?'
As her thoughts got negative, she suddenly heard footsteps running down the stairs, smiling once again, she knew who it was. Turning so she can see him, and there, stood her only child.
Her son, almost looking like a replica of his father, but his eyes is what she loves. (E/C), (If it's brown, think of it like a lighter or darker shade), in the center was her and her husband eye color, swirling around each other. His hair has grown a little pass his neck, and his skin, was (S/C), a nice combination if she dared to say.
His name is (M/N) Black, her handsome son. "Did Kreature have to wake you up?" Lup question her son, nodding, (M/N) gave his mother a wolfish grin. "I completely forgot my birthday." (M/N) said to his mother, as she placed down his favorite breakfast. Thanking his mother, he starting to eat it.  "Do you what may come today?" Lup questions her son, as she couldn't handle her excitement. Tilting his head a little, Lup sighed dramatically. "Your Hogwarts Letter!" She yelled, throwing her hands up, to be even more dramatic. Gulping down the rest of his breakfast, (M/N) said, "I know! I can't wait for it!" 

As he finished saying that, there was a tapping on the window. Curious and nervous, Lup got closer to the window. Opening the curtains, there stood, a great Horned owl, a letter resting on his beak. A sudden gasp was heard, and there, standing in front of the great Horned owl, was (M/N). Chuckling, Lup petted, or brushed, the owls feathers, as (M/N) got his letter. Thanking the owl, they both went back to the kitchen table. Both mother and son, sat side by side. Looking at the letter, (M/N) noticed that the envelope was thick and heavy, made of yellowish parchment, and the address was written in emerald-green ink. There was no stamp.
(M/N) turned the envelope over, his hand trembling in excitement, (M/N) saw a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding the letter H. "Mom......it's the letter!" Screamed (M/N) making his mother giggle. "Of course honey, now open it!" said his mother, equally excited as he is.

Turning it back over, he noticed it was address to him.
Mr. (First/Letter of name). Black
First Room on the left upstairs
12 Grimmauld Place

Tearing it open, he pulled out the letter and read it out loud....

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of merlin, First Class, Grand Sore., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confd. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Black,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find the enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress.

"Oh! Minne! How I missed her~" His mother began to cool. "Well better write back to her, so she knows we got your letter Little Wolf." With that, his mother got up, and left, probably to get their blind owl, Zeus.
Zeus is a Western Screech Owl, that's bind, but what they both love about Zeus, is his eyes. His eyes looks like they hold the galaxy. Zeus knows were to go, so they're good.
Thinking about the owl, (M/N) noticed Kreature coming out of the kitchen, bringing a cake. The cake has (F/C) icing and the smell, oh god, it was (Favorite/Cake). "Kreature finished the icing for Mistress Black." Kreature says, as he was about to go and leave. (M/N) stops him. "Hey, why not come and eat with us?" (M/N) says to the grumpy house elf, as the said house elf looks at him in a wide eye moment. "No thank you young Master," Kreature begins, "I don't like (Favorite/Cake)." And with that, he left, leaving (M/N) by his lonesome self.
Grabbing the knife, (M/N) thought to himself, 'This wasn't such a bad birthday.'

Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter! I'm sorry if any of this sucks. But I was thinking of having (M/N) get sorted into Gryffindor, but I don't know. Yes this will be a male insert, so if you don't like male x male, then sorry.
That's all! Bye peps!

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