At Flourish And Blotts

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Hallo everybody! This update is a birthday gift to BrotherNo01i3747382!!!! So say a happy birthday to them! Now on with the chapter!


        "Kreacher, may you please go wake up Loki and (M/n) for me?" 

        "Of course mistress." and the elf went up the stairs, going past paintings of the old family. As he walked past them, he stopped at a door, two names caught his attention....

                                                                   "Regulus Black


                                                                          Loki Black..." 

       Opening the door, Kreacher walked towards the lump of blankets, as he grew nearer, he noticed a golden cat lying a foot away from the bed. When he got close, Kreacher began to shake Loki awake, making her grumble. "Young mistress," Kreacher said softly, "Your mother requested me to wake you up." 

         That was enough to wake her up, because she opened her eyes, and gave Kreacher a thankful smile. "Thank you Kreacher, you can wake up my brother now." Loki yawned out, as she stretched her arms out, feeling how her muscles tensed then relaxed. 

        Nodding a goodbye, he left the room, closing the door on his way out. 

       Going towards to the door next to Loki, and like Loki's door two names caught his attention, only one was scratch out, as if the person was meant to never exist....but if you closely, you can make out 

                                                                    "Sirius Black


                                                                     (M/n) Black...."

    Opening his door, Kreacher went to his other young master's bed, seeing how he is still asleep with a Burmese Python laying across his stomache, while a Barn Owl was cuddling his neck. 

     Kreacher then remembered what Mistress Lup told him how to wake him up....


         "Kreacher," a voice calls out, making him turn and look at his Mistress, "Yes." he said. "If my son doesn't wake up, cover his nose and mouth, so it doesn't give him a chance to breathe, okay?" She questions, as she gave him a head tilt. 

     "But wouldn't that kill or suffocate him?"  Kreacher questions, as Lup gave him a murderous grin. "No," she said, as she walked away, "No it wouldn't..."

~Flashback ended~

     Doing as was requested by his Mistress, Kreacher reached out and pinched (M/n)'s nose, then with his other hand he covered his mouth. 

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