The Midnight Duel

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(M/N) had never believed he would ever hate anyone, not until he meet Thor fucking Odinson. Good thing he was a first year Slytherin, not fifth year, cause god, he would kill a bitch if he had the chance.

Walking to whatever he was going, (M/N) noticed a pinned up in the Slytherin common room that made some people groan or smirk. Flying lessons would be starting on Thursday---and Slytherins and Gryffindors would be learning together.

"Damnit," said (M/N) angrily. "I can't sleep in that class now, fuck!" Yes, he knows how to ride on a broomstick, but he didn't give a bloody damn about it.

"Oh, come on Black!" Draco yelled at him. "You sleep almost everyday! And in every class! Stop sleeping damnit!" Making (M/N)'s face go sour. "Besides," Draco said, having a smirk on his face. "I know how to ride a broomstick better than you!" Rolling his eyes, (M/N) decided to ignore the last statement. Everybody in the Slytherin common room was talking about their adventures on their broomsticks.

All Malfoy would talk about him avoiding Muggles in helicopters. Others the same, but when they look at (M/N), they wanted to hear about his adventures. Looking at the curious eyes, (M/N) sighed, "I ran over a muggle while I first tried out my broomstick." Making everyone snicker. "Oh! (M/N)-poo!" A high pitched voice yelled, making (M/N) face pale.

"Parkinson...." (M/N) breathed out, eyes looking around, until he felt a force collided with him. Looking down, he saw a girl, with a bub-cut hair, with bangs, hair is straight. Pansy Parkinson was her name, never leaving (M/N) alone because of who (M/N)'s father is.

"Common (N/N)-ice-poo! We must go to the Great Hall!" And she began to pull him, making (M/N) turn and mouthed, 'Help,' to Draco and his gang, making Draco shake his head no. Glaring, (M/N) let himself get dragged to the Great Hall, leaving his friends behind.

"Good thing that's not me, or I would have a major headache from her voice." Draco told Crabbe and Goyle, making them both agree to him.

When they arrived to the Great Hall, everyone noticed how Pansy was clinging to (M/N)'s arm, with (M/N) having a blank face. Whispers were heard around, wondering if they were dating or not. Making (M/N) grumble about it, not liking the idea about dating Pansy.

Seeing Legolas brought something from home, (M/N) opened it, only to have exploded on his face, which cause a ruckus, because everyone started to look at him, and burst out laughing.
Looking at the letter, his sister Loki, wrote about how this is pay back for dying her hair blond. Rolling his eyes, he said about how not tp touch his stuff again. Giving it to Legolas, he flew off, leaving him in peace. Until that peace was broken, "(M/N)-poo! Are you alright? Do you need to go to the Hospital Wing?" She questioned him, making (M/N) shake his head no. Ruffling his hair, (M/N) looked at Pansy, "Wake me up when we need to leave." Making her nod happily. Laying his head down, (M/N) went off to dream land, but instead of having a dream, he had a nightmare.

"Avada Kedavra!" "NOOOO!!! MOM!!!!" "YOU BITCH!" "HAHAHA! AVADA KEDAVRA!" "LOKI NO!" Flashes of green lights went around his brain, making his sleeping face disturbing.

At three-thirty that afternoon, (M/N) walked down the front steps onto the grounds for the first flying lesson. (M/N), had over slept again, making Snappy Snape to smack him again. Good thing it's a nice day too, because it seemed easier to do this.

The Slytherins were already there too, twenty broomsticks lying in neat lines on the ground. Walking over to the Slytherin side, he noticed a spot between Pansy and Draco, walking over there, he went to the spot. When he got there, Pansy grabbed onto his arm, making some people glare at her.

Their, Teacher, Madam Hooch, arrived. She had short, gray hair, and cool yellow eyes like a hawk.

"Well, what are you all waiting for?" she barked. "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on hurry up."

(M/N) glanced down at his broomstick. It was old and some of the twigs stuck out at odd angles.
"Stick your right hand over your broom," called Madam Hooch at the front, "And say 'Up!'"

"UP!" everyone shouted.

(M/N)'s broom jumped into his hand at once, but it was one of the few that did. Not carrying about other peoples problem, (M/N) continued to listen to Madam Hooch, mounting their brooms, and how not to slide off at once.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle -- three -- two --"

Neville, being Neville, was nervous and jumpy and frightened of being left on the ground, pushed off hard before the whistle had touched Madam Hooch's lips.

Ignoring, basically everything, began to think about his nightmare, was something going to happen to his mother and sister in the future? And who was it? That was laughing at them dying. Frustrated at that, he noticed how Minnie was coming. "Hello Minnie! How are you doing this fine evening?" (M/N) questioned her, making people that heard him, turn, and indeed, the Professor was there, walking towards them. "I'm doing fine (M/N)." Minnie says, having a soft look, when she remembered something.

"POTTER!" deciding to not listen to anything, he went back inside, wanting to sleep about this whole shitty day.

Walking towards the Great Hall, (M/N) was in a grumpy mood because Snappy Snape woke him again, but this time. He threw a bucket of cold water on him. So here he was, walking down the hall, with wet clothes clinging on his body.

As he was walking pass Draco and Potter, he heard Draco saying that, HE, was his second, to something.

Looking at Draco with confusion, and a hint of angry, Draco told them to meet up at midnight and not be late. Dragging (M/N) by the ear, he explained about the great plan he has. About how he would get Potter and Weasley in trouble this time. Rolling his eyes, (M/N) went to grab some meat, but was stop by someone. "I got it (N/N)ice-poo." Pansy told him, as she grabbed a piece of meat and brought it up to his mouth.

Blushing, (M/N) began to say something, "U-uh, Pansy its o-ok, n-no need f-for that." Making her pout. Standing up quickly, (M/N) began to make an excuse about needing to do homework, and running out of the Great Hall. Not noticing a few pairs of eyes watching him.

" don't even do your homework....?" Pansy said to nobody, making Draco to burst out laughing.
What Draco and (M/N) didn't know, was that the Golden Trio and Neville found something interesting about a certain door.

Here you guys go! Sorry if the reader doesn't do much, but he would be doing a lot more! And I was thinking about making another book, but this one about the reader being the one that lived, having Draco falling in love with her. But, I don't know, if I should. 

So bye peps!

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