Mudbloods And Murmurs

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HEY HEY HEY!!!! GUESS WHO UPDATED THIS SHITTY BOOK? Like idk why you guys even still read this book....well who cares ig...

I haven't slept at ALL last night, still awake though!

My sleeping schedule is crazyyyy, and I'm starting school on the 1st of September, which is ok, because some people I know are going on the 31 of August. 

Welp onto the story!!!!


       (M/n) spent a lot of time over the next few days dodging out of sight whenever he saw Loki coming into the common room. It was getting harder, because it seemed like she managed to memorized his whole schedule. Loki liked the thrill of hunting down her brother, and surprising him, as she brings down her knife onto his pumping heart. 

      Unfortunately for Loki, he doges every time, only managing to lightly scrape his chest. 


     Was what (M/n) last heard, as he sprinted past some students, some stumbling as he bumped into them hard, others falling straight onto their arse. "SORRYY!" Was what the poor confused students heard, watching another blur of green and black fly past them. 

   Charms was easy enough, but the only downside was that the white ferret was seated beside him, making him even more moodier than he already was. 'For once,'  (M/n) began to think, 'Let me not sit beside that smelly ferret!'

     But the universe decided that they hated him, and made Draco wake him up, as today, Saturday, was when both him and Draco are going to do their first practice in Quidditch. 

     "Hey, you annoying rat," A voice calls out, making (M/n) let out a groan. "Stop groaning you annoying piece of trash." Not doing what he was told to do, (M/n) turned to the other way, making the person sigh in utter annoyance. "Well," The voice drags out, "You only led me to my other last option."   Deciding that wasn't much of a threat, (M/n) only let out a hum, indicating he doesn't want to do what the annoying voice was telling him to do. 

    "You asked for it..."    



     A loud sound drifted into the now, silent room, as the people who began to notice the two troublemakers are making a ruckus again. The thing is, only this time, Draco is now being faced against an annoyed, angry, and half-sleeping (M/n) (Lamo mee). 

    "Run..."  growled out (M/n), as Draco hurryingly left, dropping the green robes on the floor. 

Letting out another growl, the people in that room also left, not wanting to be left in the presence of an angry Black.

"This is why he has Daddy issues..."   


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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