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During breakfast, (M/N) noticed how Malfoy eyes went wide. Feeling a little freaked out, he asked him, "What got you wide eyed ferret?" Making Malfoy turn to him, and say, "Harry was supposed to get expelled." Making (M/N) roll his eyes, and eat his food.

As everyone was eating, the owls started to flooded into the Great Hall as per usual, (M/N) getting his letter and candy from his family, when suddenly four or something owls came, carrying a heavy load, and dropped it in front of Harry.

Not feeling as interested as everyone else, (M/N) stood up, and walked towards the Gryffindor table, making everyone who saw him, look at him wide eyed as he passed by. As he got there, he went pass Harry and Ron, who stopped talking and watched the Slytherin boy, as he settled down next to Hermione's left, as he sat in front of Neville.

Smiling slightly at Hermione, (M/N) began to talk to Neville, as if they were old friends, not minding the stares they're both were receiving. "You do know your not supposed to sit here, right (M/N)?" Hermione's voice interrupted his and Neville's conversation.

Giving her a smirk, he said loudly, "Well, Minnie doesn't seem to mind little lion, now why don't you go off with your little lion cubs friends? Cause they seem to be leaving you." And he was right, cause right now Harry and Ron left, leaving Malfoy(Who, mind you was bothering them again), Professor Flitwick, and Malfoy's henchmen. Saying a quick "Thank you." she quickly ran off, leaving behind a chuckling (M/N) and a nervous Neville.

"Soo, how's Hogwarts for you love?" (M/N) questioned Neville, as he turned to face Neville. "Ahhh! I-it has b-been tr-reating m-me good." He answered, with a red face. Humming, (M/N) was about to answer when, "Deciding to poison one of our weaker lions snake?" A voice snarled, and (M/N) instantly knew he voice. "Ah, Thor, a not so pleasantly hello back." (M/N) said, as he turned around and saw the giant of a fifth year stood, snarling down at him. "You down tormenting other Slytherins or Hufflepuff's?" (M/N) questioned making Thor scowl down at him. Some Gryffindor's snickered at his remarked, cause it's true.

"None of your fucking business fag." Thor spat, as he glared at him harder when he said fag. "Just cause I have someone that likes me, doesn't mean you have to be jealous!" snarled (M/N) as Thor went red in the face. "Oh! Like anyone would like a fag like you!" Thor shouted, not noticing how Professor McGonagall was walking towards them.

"Is there a problem here?" A voice said, making them both stop and turn towards the voice and saw Professor McGonagall. "(M/N) here was bothering this student, and I decided to step in." Thor lied, hoping McGonagall would believe him, cause he thinks he is still her favorite student.
"That's a bullshit lie." Bluntly said (M/N), not minding how Minnie said 'Language' to him. "He was bothering me and NEVILLE," (M/N) said 'Neville' loudly, cause Thor didn't knew his name, "Cause I was here, and Oh! He called me a fag." Going red in the face, McGonagall turned to Neville and said, "Is what (M/N) saying true? Mr. Longbottom?" Neville, knowing he can't lie to anyone, nodded his head. Breathing in slowly, Minnie said, "Mr. Odinson, please follow me to headmaster's office please." Nodding slowly, Thor left, but not before giving (M/n) a glare.
"I am very sorry about what happened Mr. Black." Minnie said, as she turned and followed were Thor went.

"I-i'm sorry-y." Neville said to him. Smiling at him, (M/n) said, "Don't be sorry love, considering who my father is, a lot of people would be pretty mad at me." and stood up, and left, leaving Neville to think what he just said.

~Halloween Morning~

On Halloween morning, (M/n) got to scare his fellow Slytherins. Ahhh, the loving girly scream of Malfoy. Chuckling, (M/n) went to the Great Hall, and the smell of baking pumpkin was the first thing he smelled. What was even better, was that Professor Flitwick announced in Charms that he thought they were ready to start making objects fly, something that (M/n) been wanting to do, since he made Neville's toad zoom around the classroom. Professor Flitwick decided to put everyone into pairs.

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